25 July 2013

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Read letter signed by 65 MPs requesting President Obama not to remove ban on a visa for Narendra Modi

Read letter signed by 65 MPs requesting President Obama not to remove ban on a visa for Narendra Modi

Below is an old letter, which is signed by 65 Members of Parliament
The letter is addressed to the United States President Barack Obama urging him to continue the visa ban on Narendra Modi

Now more than half of the MPs (who are signatories) are now denying they signed such a letter.

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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Tags – MP Letter Obama Visa


Krishna/കൃഷ്ണ July 25, 2013  

informative and interesting...


DWei July 25, 2013  

Wonder what Obama's thinking...

Arti July 25, 2013  

I read about this in the news but did not read the actual letter. Thanks for sharing sm :)

Destination Infinity July 27, 2013  

Why play our politics in some other country?

Destination Infinity