10 July 2013

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Read Complete Transparency International's Global Corruption Barometer 2013 Report

Read Complete Transparency International's Global Corruption Barometer 2013 Report

According to the report, 54 percent of respondents view government as ineffective in combating corruption, up from the 47 percent recorded in Transparency International's 2010-2011 survey.

The Global Corruption Barometer 2013 is a survey of 114,000 people in 107 countries and it shows that corruption is widespread.

The report surveyed 1,025 people in India between September 2012 and March 2013.

A global study by Transparency International survey found that about three-fourth of Indians say corruption has increased in the past two years and an equal number term the phenomenon a problem

According to the survey, more than one in four people reported paying a bribe in the past year.

The survey asked respondents to rate the corruption level of their countries' institutions on a one-to-five scale, in which five meant "extremely corrupt."

Political parties were considered the most corrupt globally, with an average score of 3.8 out of 5.

Globally, police came in a close second, with a corruption score of 3.7. Nearly a third of respondents who came into contact with police reported having paid a bribe.

According to the report, the media industry had an average global corruption score of 3.1, making it the ninth most corrupt of the 12 institutions in the survey. In the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and Egypt, it ranked number one

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Read Report Transparency International's Global Corruption Barometer 2013 Report

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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

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MEcoy July 10, 2013  

corruption, it is indeed everywhere

rudraprayaga July 11, 2013  

Is it possible ti witness a corruption-corrected word?Impossible.Informative.