Tamil Nadu state government Banned gutka, pan masala, tobacco products
Tamil Nadu state government Banned gutka, pan masala, tobacco products
The Tamil Nadu state government on Wednesday banned the production, possession, distribution, and sale of tobacco products like gutka and pan masala in Tamil Nadu.
With this, 30 States in the country have officially banned the tobacco products.
Chief Minister of TN told in the Assembly regarding the complete ban on the manufacture, storage, distribution and sale of all forms of chewable tobacco – particularly pan masala and gutka.
The ban will be now implemented under the provisions of the Food Safety and Standards Act, which specifically states that no food product should contain tobacco and nicotine as ingredients.
Under the provisions of the Food, Safety, and Standards Act, Tamil Nadu has already set up a Food Protection and Medicinal Board to implement the legislation
Reality views by sm –
Thursday, May 09, 2013
Tags - Tamil Nadu Ban Gutka
It's a good thing, health wise. I thought TN Govt. had banned all these products earlier, but I guess they are still available unofficially in many local stalls. But we can expect these products to be eliminated slowly from now on.
Destination Infinity
@Rajesh K
well this was a great step for a more healthier citizen