20 May 2013

Know 11 signs which indicate persons Death is near Shivpuran Death Signs as per lord Shiva

Know 11 signs  which indicate persons Death is near Shivpuran Death Signs as per lord Shiva

What are the signs of death?

How to know when death is near?

Following are the signs, which indicate death is near

According to Lord Shiva, when a person’s body turns pale yellow or white and a little red, it indicates the death of that person in around 6 months.

When a person is unable to see his own reflection in water, oil and mirror, it indicates that the person would die in 6 months’ time. 

Those who live one month more than their actual time of death, they cannot see their own shadows and those who can, they see headless shadows.

If a person starts to see everything as black, it is understood that the person’s time of death is near

When a person’s left hand keeps on twitching for a week, that means that person’s death is near

When a person's mouth, tongue, ears, eyes, nose become like stone indicates death is near

When a person is unable to see the light of moon, sun or fire, it indicates that death is near

If the tongue of a person swells suddenly and the teeth start secreting pus, it indicates that death is near

When a person stops being able to see Dhruva star in the sky, means death is near

When a person starts seeing sun, moon and sky as red, it indicates death is near

When a person dreams of an owl or sees a vacant destroyed village, his death is near.

According to a Hindu belief, after death, out of 84 lakh souls only one soul finds a body.

Reality views by sm –

Monday, May 20, 2013

Tags – Death Signs


Renu May 20, 2013  

Do you believe this?

DWei May 20, 2013  

I'll stick with modern medicine's definitions.

BK Chowla, May 20, 2013  

thanks for sharing

SM May 20, 2013  


i believe only science and hard work

Unknown May 20, 2013  

We are in modern time may not believe this. But the person who saw this definitely believe in it.. Thanks

MEcoy May 21, 2013  

well one signs might lead to another better got checked

prashant May 21, 2013  

According to a Hindu belief, after death, out of 84 lakh souls only one soul finds a body.

This is awrong statement
the truth as stated in puranas that every soul has to complete its course of journey taking 84 lakh yonis, i.e. Birth and then only the soul is granted salvation, or goes to heaven or hell as per its karma

SM May 22, 2013  


English Language is funny and tricky and understand meaning carefully.

SM May 22, 2013  


Understand meaning of Salvation and relationship with heaven and hell and Soul
Then you will understand it correctly.
May be in future i will write a article on this.

prashant May 24, 2013  

"According to a Hindu belief, after death, out of 84 lakh souls only one soul finds a body."(I was quoting last line of your blog)

This is a wrong statement.

The truth as stated in puranas that every soul has to complete its course of journey taking 84 lakh yonis, i.e. Birth and then only the soul is granted salvation, or goes to heaven or hell as per its karma.
Well dude this what I read and was taught in my house.
Any improvements are warmly welcomed..

Indeed english is a tricky language and specially with me because I am writing after almost an year.
So there might be a problem with it.

SM please don't take this question in wrong sense??
Are you a hindu??

SM May 24, 2013  

I am Indian first religion does not matter for me

prashant June 08, 2013  

@ SM
Man that was just a simple question.
You are messing up with it.
Bcoz who would know better about a religion than its follower.
It is as simple as that.

Jaidev August 01, 2014  

Mentos की गोली=क्या कभी समुद्र मंथन हुआ
था .....???? सागर-मंथन में एक पहाड को खम्बा बनाकर
साप से विशाल सागर का मंथन किया गया है |
आपको मालूम होना चाहिए कि देवताओ के और विश्व
के प्रथम चिकित्सक भगवान धनवंतरी और धन
की देवी लक्ष्मी सागर मंथन से ही पैदा हुए है |किन्तु
अफसोस इस बात से होता है कि धन से परिपूर्ण होकर
भी देवी लक्ष्मीजी को ब्रह्मणो की बेतुकी कल्पनाओ
ने उल्लू की सवारी करने मजबूर कर दिया और आज
लक्ष्मी और कुबेर के देश में करोडो लोग फटेहाल है |
तार्किक और वैज्ञानिक खोजो की भारत भूमि पर
वीरानी क्यों है ??? आखिर क्यों .....?????
*ऐसी बेतुकी और निर्थक पैदाइस के लिए भारत
की भूमि ही उपजाऊ क्यों थी ???? बाकी विश्व में
ऐसी मूर्खता पूर्ण घटनाये क्यों नही हुई ??? इसका उत्तर
यह है कि विश्व के अन्य देशो में **ब्रह्मण नामक जिन्न
**पैदा नहीं हुए है |इसलिए वहाँ विज्ञानिक खोजे
होती रही | और इस देश में मुह , हाथ , पेट ,पैर से , खीर
से , कान से , जमींन से , समुद्र मंथन और जादू
की छड़ी धूमाते ही इंसान पैदा होते रहे |ओ मेरे भोले
भाले मूर्ख लोगो ब्रह्मणो की काल्पनिक कहानियो पर
अंधविस्वास मत करो , मेंटोस की गोली खाओ दिमाग़
की बत्ती जलाओ

Unknown January 03, 2017  

What do u mean by hard work