29 April 2013

Coal Scam Read CBI affidavit filed in the Supreme Court of India Coal Report changed 20%

Coal Scam Read CBI affidavit filed in the Supreme Court of India  Coal Report changed 20%

Coal Scam in India is one of the biggest or No.1 scam in India
What will happen in this coal scam?

Do you know what happened in Bofors Scam, Same will happen in Coal Scam.

This again proves that CBI is not an Independent Investigative agency.

This shows that CBI has to follow the orders of Law Minister, bureaucrats of the Prime Minister's Office and Coal Ministry.

First report was submitted on 8th March, then media reported that  the status report was seen by politicians and may have been changed by the Indian politicians.

Now on April 26 , CBI submitted second report and the two-page affidavit of Director Ranjit Sinha.

CBI has submitted to the Supreme Court an annexure with a detailed listing of all the changes made in two stages to its first report, first by Law Minister Ashwani Kumar and then by senior bureaucrats of the Prime Minister's Office and Coal Ministry.

Media reported that
If you look at the two drafts, maybe 15-20 per cent changes were effected at the behest of the minister and the bureaucrats

Read CBI affidavit filed in the Supreme Court Coal
Below is the affidavit filed by CBI in Supreme Court regarding Coal Scam and changes made.



In the matter of : ….. Petitioner(s)
Common cause & ors.


Union of India & ors. … Respondent(s)


DATED 12.03.2013

I Ranjit Sinha, aged about 60 years, occupation, Government Service, presently appointed as Director, CBI, resident of 2 Janpath, New Delhi 110001, do hereby solemnly affirm and state as under:

2. I have read the Order dated 12th March, 2013 of the Hon'ble Court and am filing this affidavit in compliance of the directions by this Hon'ble Court in the last paragraph thereof, which reads as under:

"Let an affidavit be filed by the Director of C.B.I that the status report submitted before this Court dated March 8, 2013 was vetted by him and nothing contained therein has been shared with the political executive. He must also state in the affidavit that same procedure will be followed in respect of subsequent status reports that may be filed before this Court"

3. I confirm that the Status Report placed before this Hon'ble Court dated 8th March, 2013 was vetted by me. I further confirm that the Status Report being filed before this Hon'ble Court on 26th April, 2013 is personally vetted by me and that I shall continue to personally vet each Status Report which may be filed in this matter before this Hon'ble Court.

4. In respect of the query raised by this Hon'ble Court about sharing of the contents of the Status Report dated 8th March, 2013 with the political executive, I submit that the draft of the same was shared with Hon'ble Union Minister of Law and Justice as desired by him prior to its submission before this Hon'ble Court. Besides the political executive, it was also shared with one Joint Secretary level officer each of Prime Minister's office and Ministry of Coal as desired by them.

5. I confirm that the present Status Report being filed in the Hon'ble Court has not been shared with any political executive in any manner whatsoever. In respect of further Status Reports of the investigations and enquiries required to be filed in this matter before this Hon'ble Court, I undertake and assure this Hon'ble Court that the same shall not be shared with any political executive.

Solemnly affirmed this …...... day of April, 2013 at New Delhi.



I, the above named deponent do hereby solemnly verify and state that what is stated herein above in this affidavit is true to my own knowledge and I believe the same to be true.

Solemnly verified this on the …... day of April, 2013 at New Delhi


Reality views by sm –

Monday, April 29, 2013

Tags – Coal Scam Affidavit CBI



MEcoy April 29, 2013  

another nice post sm

rudraprayaga April 30, 2013  

As are all the scams so is coal scam.And thank you for the information about CBSE books also.

Kirtivasan Ganesan April 30, 2013  

It is a shameful affair. ASG accusing AG. CBI showed report to law minister. 20% changed as you say. Now PM "waiting" for SC response.
Shameful. These people are. Not the country.