21 March 2013

Mumbai Serial Blast 1993 Supreme Court Judgement Know 13 Important Facts Sanjay Dutt Gets 5 Years Jail

Mumbai Serial Blast 1993 Supreme Court Judgement Know 13 Important Facts Sanjay Dutt Gets 5 Years Jail

Today Supreme Court of India gave its final judgement in Mumbai Serial Bomb Blast Case.

Supreme Court dismisses all appeals of the convicts except that of Mubina alias Baya Moosa Bhiwandiwala and that of Mulchand Sampatraj Shah.

Supreme Court asks all accused to surrender within four weeks.

Actor Sanjay Dutt was convicted under the Arms Act while he escaped conviction under TADA.
SC said that Offence is serious so Sanjay Dutt cannot be released on probation.
Supreme Court has reduced his sentence from six years to five.
He will have to spend three years and six months in jail.
He has already spent 18 months in jail
Dutt can still file a review petition against the verdict within the next four weeks.
If he does not appeal against his sentence in the given time period, he will have to surrender before the Bombay High Court and will be sent to jail to serve his sentence.

Supreme Court upholds life sentence of 16 out of 18 convicts sentenced by TADA court.

Life sentence of Ashrafur Rehman Azimulla reduced to 10 years

Supreme Court said, "Police, customs and coastal guards are also to be blamed for 1993 Mumbai blasts."

SC said management and conspiracy of 1993 blasts were done by Dawood Ibrahim and others in Pakistan.

Supreme Court says that Pakistan's intelligence agency ISI was also involved in the 1993 blasts.

Supreme Court says that accused got the training in Pakistan.

Supreme Court commutes death sentence of 10 convicts to life imprisonment on the ground that the convicts were behind bars for 20 years and their economic condition was weak.

SC reduced death sentence of 10 others to life imprisonment.

Supreme Court said that Islamabad owes an explanation not only to India but also to the entire world for the terror strike

Underworld don Dawood Ibrahim, Tiger Memon and his brother Ayub Memon are alleged to be the conspirators and have been declared proclaimed offenders.

Suggested Reading –

In Depth Timeline Chronology of 1993 Mumbai Serial Bomb Blast Case TADA Court SC Trial Dutt Conviction

Reality views by sm –

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Tags – Bombay Serial Blast Supreme Court Judgement


Usha March 21, 2013  

Good to read about Supreme courts justice..let the trend continue and all powerful criminals get punished.

Real justice will be done when conspirators are taken into custody and punished.

Thanks for the update.

MEcoy March 22, 2013  

another informative post sm

rudraprayaga March 23, 2013  

Good that exact information reaches us.