29 December 2012

Listen Read Amitabh Bachchan Poem for gangrape victim damini Amanat girl of India

Listen Read Amitabh Bachchan Poem for  gangrape victim damini Amanat girl of India

Super star  Amitabh Bachchan wrote and recited a poem for the 23-year-old medical student who died in a Singapore hospital.

He uploaded it on his official Facebook page

Read AB Poem for Gang rape victim 

FB 71 -समय चलते मोमबत्तियां, जल कर बुझ जाएँगी ...
श्रद्धा में डाले पुष्प, जल हीन मुर्झा जायेंगे ...
स्वर विरोध के और शांति के अपनी प्रबलता खो देंगे ...
किन्तु 'निर्भयता' की जलाई अग्नि हमारे ह्रदय को प्रज्वलित करेगी ...
जल हीन मुरझाये पुष्पों को हमारी अश्रु धाराएं जीवित रखेंगी ...
दग्ध कंठ से 'दामिनी' की 'अमानत' आत्मा विश्व भर में गूंजेगी ...
स्वर मेरे तुम, दल कुचलकर पीस पाओगे ...
मै भारत की माँ बहेंनिया बेटी हूँ ,
आदर और सत्कार की मै हक़दार हूँ ...
भारत देश हमारी माता है ,
मेरी छोड़ो, अपनी माता की तो पहचान बनो !!  

English Translation of the poem written by Amitabh Bachchan for Damini Amanat gangrape victim

With the passage of time
Burning candles will stop burning
Flowers given in belief love will lose their beauty without water
Voices of Opposition and Calm will lose their power
But the fire of fearlessness will keep burning our heart and soul
Flowers which lost their charm will be kept fresh alive by our teardrops
Voices soul of damini or Amanat will be heard all over world
You will not be able to stop my voice using muscle power
I am mother, sister, and daughter of India
It is my birthright to get the respect
India is our Mother
Do not bother for me  but be the representative of our own mother that is India
Listen to Pome recited by Amitabh Bachchan

Amitabh Bachchan Facebook - 

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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Tags – AB Poem Gangrape Victim


MEcoy December 30, 2012  

thats a sensible poem
she's got the point

ra January 01, 2013  

those are some hard hitting words from AB!

RIP Nirbhayata!