Lyrics with English translation of song in aankhon ki masti ke mastaane hazaaron hain from movie Umrao Jaan
Lyrics with English translation of song in aankhon ki masti ke mastaane hazaaron hain from movie Umrao Jaan
Movie Name - Umrao Jaan
Year - 1981
Song name - In aankhon ki masti ke mastaane hazaaron hain
Singer: Asha Bhosle
Lyrics By: Sharyaar
Music: Khayyam
Actors - Rekha and Farooq Shaikh
A remake of Umrao Jaan was released on 3 November 2006. It is directed by J.P. Dutta and stars Aishwarya Rai as Umrao Jaan.
Hindi lyrics of the song - In aankhon ki masti ke mastaane hazaaron hain with English translation from movie Umrao Jan
English translation of the song - In aankhon ki masti ke mastaane hazaaron hain is in Red Color
Lyrics of the song In aankhon ki masti ke
In aankhon ki masti ke
By the passion or lust of these eyes
aah aah aah aah
In aankhon ki masti ke mastaane hazaaron hain
Thousands are intoxicated by the passion or lust of these eyes
Thousand are lovers of the passion or lust of these eyes
Mastaane hazaaron hain
Thousands are lovers
In aankhon se vaabasta
Attached to these eyes
In aankhon se vaabasta afsaane hazaaron hain
Thousands of romances love stories or legends are attached to these eyes
Afsaane hazaaron hain
There are thousands of love stories, legends
In aankhon ki masti ke
By the passion or lust of these eyes
Ek tum hi nahin tanha
You are not the only one alone
aah aah
Ek tum hi nahin tanha ulfat mein meri rusva
you are not alone in love with me, disgraced
Ulfat mein meri rusva
in love with me, disgraced
Is shaher mein tum jaise
Like this in this city
Is shaher mein tum jaise deewaane hazaaron hain
There are thousands of crazy madmen like you in this city
Deewaane hazaaron hain
There are thousands of madmen, crazy
In aankhon ki masti ke mastaane hazaaron hain
Thousands are intoxicated by the passion or lust of these eyes
Thousand are lovers of the passion or lust of these eyes
In aankhon ki masti ke
By the passion or lust of these eyes
aah aah aah
Ek sirf humi mai ko, ek sirf humi
There is only me only me
Ek sirf humi mai ko aankhon se pilaate hain
There is only me who can serve wine liquor with eyes
Aankhon se pilaate hain
Serve wine with eyes
Kehne ko to duniya mein
To say it in world
Kehne ko to duniya mein maikhaane hazaaron hain
To say it, in the world there are thousands of bars or taverns
Maikhaane hazaaron hain
There are thousands of bars or taverns
In aankhon ki masti ke mastaane hazaaron hain
Thousands are intoxicated by the passion or lust of these eyes
Thousand are lovers of the passion or lust of these eyes
In aankhon ki masti ke
By the passion or lust of these eyes
Is shamm-e-faroza ko
This luminous candle
aah aah
Is shamm-e-faroza ko aandhi se darraate ho
you are making this luminous candle scared of a hurricane or storm
Aandhi se darraate ho
trying to scare fear the storm hurricane
Is shamm-e-faroza ke
of this luminous candle
Is shamm-e-faroza ke parvaane hazaaron hain
There are thousands of lovers of this luminous candle
Parvaane hazaaron hain
There are thousands of lovers
In aankhon ki masti ke mastaane hazaaron hain
Thousands are intoxicated by the passion or lust of these eyes
Thousand are lovers of the passion or lust of these eyes
In aankhon se vaabasta afsaane hazaaron hain
Thousands of romances love stories or legends are attached to these eyes
Afsaane hazaaron hain
There are thousands of love stories, legends
In aankhon ki masti ke
By the passion or lust of these eyes
Watch the video of the song In aankhon ki masti ke from movie Umrao Jan
Umrao Jaan is an Indian classic movie in every sense music, lyrics, and script
It is based on the Urdu novel Umrao Jaan Ada (1905), written by Mirza Hadi Ruswa based on the famous Lucknow courtesan. The film starred Bollywood actress Rekha and Farooq Shaikh as leads.
Excellent movie
Excellent Songs
Excellent Lyrics
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Monday, October 01, 2012
Tags – Bollywood Hind Song Lyrics English Translation Umrao Jan
nice song
Such a masterpiece!
But the writer of the song is almost always lost (or people don't care)
The movies have hero's, heroines but the hero of this song is the poet/lyricist.
Can someone please let me know who is the lyricist?
Good translation...It become easy to understand Urdu words..So gives more enjoy to hear the song with meaning.
Is there hindi traslationt available on this or other good site?
Best lyrics.....just besttttt....