HP Gas Connection 13 Facts Procedures Questions Answers
HP Gas Connection 13 Facts Procedures Questions Answers
How to get a New HP Gas Cylinder Connection?
A. The nearest HP GAS distributor may be approached for a new Gas connection.
Alternately, you may book for new HP GAS connection on-line. Details of cost of New Connection with Double Bottle Cylinder (DBC) (two cylinders and one regulator) along with cost of LPG is given below:
Fixed Cost:
Refundable Deposit for Two Cylinders @ Rs. 1250/- each = Rs. 2,500/-
Refundable Deposit for One Regulator @ Rs. 150/- = Rs. 150/-Cost of Two
Refills - Present price according to your area as applicable
Cost of hotplate/stove and Suraksha Hose (rubber tube) will be extra.
Which documents are required –
Given below is the list of documents required for new connection.
Aadhaar Number (Copy of Aadhaar Letter) : Aadhaar Letter (Back) and Aadhaar Letter (Front)
Copy of house lease agreement / rent receipt
Copy of Ration Card
Copy of Passport
Copy of telephone bill/any other utility bill
Self-declaration attested by Gazetted officer.
Kindly note that in certain states, as per orders received from the State Government,
New connections can be released only against production of ration cards.
As per the LPG Control Order, only ONE LPG Connection is permitted per
household. Any additional connection is required to be surrendered
PNG consumers are required to surrender their LPG connection to their LPG distributor for Safe Custody.
Is it compulsory to buy hot plate (stove) and other accessories from
distributor while availing new LPG connection?
A. No. Customer is at liberty to purchase them from any source provided it is approved by BIS
In case of loss of SV how to get the same again?
A. In case of loss of SV, customer has to submit an affidavit on non-judicial Stamp
Paper of applicable value as per format
In case of transfer, what is the procedure to transfer the connection?
In case, the transfer is within the city or in certain adjoining city, then
The existing distributor will issue e-Customer Transfer Advise (e-CTA) i.e. Authorization Code on production of Subscription Voucher (SV). The e-CTA is valid for 3 months from the date of issue.
The SV with the Authorization Code should be produced to the new distributor, who will enroll the customer & return the original SV after endorsement. The SV is an important document and should be retained safely.
Here, the equipment’s (cylinder + regulator) need not be surrendered, but be carried by the customer
In case of transfer of connection from one place to another,
The distributor at the current location will issue Termination Voucher (TV) and will refund the deposit amount mentioned in the SV, on surrender of existing equipment’s (cylinder/s and regulator). The TV is valid for one year from the date of issue.
Do not surrender your Domestic Gas Consumer Card. The same card can be used at the new location after endorsement by the new distributor.
Reconnection can be availed at the new place by payment of the same deposit amount mentioned in the TV. Please collect the new SV and retain it safely
How do we change the name of the connection holder?
(i) Death of SV Holder:
To transfer the connection in the name of legal heir / within the family, after death of consumer, please submit the following to your distributor
An application with details Documents giving proof of relationship,
Death Certificate Original SV / Affidavit for loss of SV
The deposit will remain the same as in the original SV.
(ii) Due to Marriage:
Please submit the following to your distributor
An application with details
Documents giving proof of marriage (marriage certificate)
Original SV / Affidavit for loss of SV
The deposit will remain the same as in the original SV.
(iii) On account of old age:
In case of Transfer of connection on account of old age, the deposit will remain the same, provided such transfers are within the family as explained in (i) above.
(iv) SV in name of “A” but equipment / SV in possession of “B”:
In case of change of name of gas connection in favor of any person not related to the original consumer an affidavit on non-judicial Stamp Paper of applicable value as per format has to be made.
Original SV and equipment should be in possession of the other person and
The original consumer also has to be present at the time of processing documents for name change.
In this case the current rate of deposit (or deposit in SV, whichever is higher) will be
applicable. The format of affidavit is also available with Customer Service Cell.
Can I book for my refill by any means other than by Telephone or in
A. Yes.
IVR based refill booking system is currently available in the cities and
states as given below:
For Kerala State and the following cities, IVRS based refill booking (HP Anytime) is available.
Dial the following numbers for HP Anytime.
Karnataka - 99640 23456
Tamil Nadu - 90922 23456
Chandigarh - 98556 23456
Gujarat -98244 23456
Andhra Pradesh -96660 23456
West Bengal - 90888 23456
Lucknow - 98896 23456
Maharashtra/Goa - 88888 23456
Patna - 95071 23456
Kerala - 99610 23456
Delhi - 99909 23456
Gurgaon, Noida, Faridabad - 99909 23456
SMS booking: Refill Booking through SMS is available for the respective areas by using the HP ANYTIME numbers given above
SMS on booking, with booking number and date, cash memo generation and delivery confirmation are sent to customer’s registered mobile number.
What is the weight of empty and filled cylinder? What action can be
taken in case the weight of gas is less than 14.2 kg.?
A. The weight of the empty cylinder (Tare Weight) is stenciled on the shroud of the cylinder (on the Blue Band in case of HPCL). The weight of LPG filled is 14.2 kg.
Therefore, the weight of the filled cylinder would be “Tare WT”+14.2 kg.
Before accepting delivery of filled cylinder, you are advised to check the weight of the cylinder.
In case the weight of gas is +/- 150 gms, you can refuse to accept the sealed
cylinder and contact Customer Service Cell
Can we use Domestic Cylinder in Motor Vehicle, Geyser, and other LPG
run appliances?
A. No. Use of Domestic LPG in motor vehicle, geyser, or any other LPG run appliances is prohibited under LPG Control Order. Instead, you can use Auto LPG in vehicles, which is available at selected Retail Outlets (Petrol Pumps). However, non-domestic LPG in 19 kg can be used for such purposes.
Are HPCL consumers insured?
A. Yes. All registered HP GAS consumers (having valid SV) are insured against outcome of an accident at their registered premises due to LPG. Details are available with all the distributors and Customer Service Cell In addition, HPCL has also taken a Public Liability Insurance Policy.
What is the procedure for replacement of lost/defective cylinder /
regulator ?
A. In case of replacement for loss of cylinder/regulator, an Undertaking as per format is to be given on plain paper to your distributor.
Replacement of lost/defective Cylinders/Regulators can be done in the following cases:
Cylinders :
Cylinders damaged in accidents due to LPG are replaced free of cost to the
In case of Established cases of theft supported by FIR and non-traceable
certificate from police, replacement is made at Normal Tariff.
In all Other Cases, Penal Tariff is levied.
Regulators :
Theft and accident cases would be dealt as above. In other cases:
Normal wear and tear involving (a) broken regulating knob and (b) broken
Bakelite ring (bearing collar) will be replaced free of charge.
Regulators with broken or damaged body, broken outlet nozzle, missing top or Bakelite ring, opened and re-riveted ones will be replaced at Normal Tariff.
In all other cases replacement will be at Penal Tariff.
Is it mandatory for the distributor to give “Home Delivery” of refill
cylinders? In case refill cylinder is collected from the showroom/godown
what is the rebate given by the distributor on the refill?
The normal mode of delivery of LPG cylinders by the distributors to the consumers is home delivery only.
There is no additional charge for home delivery.
However, under special circumstances like riots, curfews strikes etc., oil companies may authorize in writing selected dealers to resort to ‘Cash and Carry’ supply on optional and temporary basis till normalcy is restored. In such cases, customers will be entitled to a rebate of Rs.8/- per refill.
Reality views by sm –
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Tags – HP Gas Connection Help Facts
another informative post sm
Such procedures are a big help in using LPG gas in a nice way. With this facts, people will probably know the do's and dont's.
I lost the regulator and also I couldn't produce the FIR Copy. As per the HP norms we need to pay penal tarrif to get the regulator. But when we reach the customer support they said there is no penal tarrif at any cause we need to produce the FIR copy otherwise the connection will be terminated
Customer support name : Vikram.