09 August 2012

Watch Video Elite Force Raid on Kim Dotcom Mansion founder of Mega upload Details of Raid on Kim Dotcom Mansion

Watch Video Elite Force Raid on Kim Dotcom Mansion founder of Mega upload Details of Raid on Kim Dotcom Mansion

Last January in New Zealand Mansion of Kim Dotcom was raided by elite forces using helicopters, guns, and Dogs.

Kim Dotcom is the founder of Mega upload sharing website.

FBI is charging Kim Dotcom with internet piracy.

Currently Kim Dotcom is in USA with his lawyer.

3News reported that a High Court finding that the search warrants used in the raid were invalid.

Exactly what happened in the Raid?

At 6.46am on January 20, the raid was underway.
The helicopter carrying members of the elite special tactics group flew into the Coatesville home of Kim Dotcom.

Within seconds, four armed members of the special tactics group ran towards the main door.
The helicopter immediately took off. The main justification for using it at all was that Dotcom’s security staff could have stopped police vehicles at the gates. But as the chopper flew out, ground forces were already arriving just seconds behind.

Two helicopters had been used; dogs deployed along with four police vehicles. There were armed offenders squad and the special tactics squad.

In Court Dotcom told to court what happened in the Raid.

Dotcom tells court what happened in this video 
video got the footage of raid
Below is the video, which reveals everything what happened in the Kim Dotcom raid

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Thursday, August 09, 2012

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Kim Dotcom Video Raid Revealed 


MEcoy August 09, 2012  

its like what happen on movies