21 July 2012

Petrol Pump Allotment OBC Reservation Increased SC ST Reservation Reduced

Petrol Pump Allotment OBC Reservation Increased SC ST Reservation Reduced

At present, 25 per cent of the sites for new petrol pumps are reserved for Scheduled Caste (SC) and Scheduled Tribe (ST) persons.

As per the new guidelines approved by the Oil Ministry,
the quota for

SCs/STs would be reduced to 22.5 per cent

27 per cent of new outlets would be reserved for OBCs

50 per cent of the pumps and dealerships would be allotted to open or general category candidates

33 per cent of the locations in each category are reserved for women belonging to that category

petrol pumps, which until now were allotted on the basis of personal interviews, would henceforth be given through draw of lottery

physically handicapped, paramilitary/police and defence personnel, freedom fighters and outstanding sports persons would also get reservation in each of the three categories -- SC/ST, OBC and General

Physically-handicapped persons get 5% reservation

paramilitary/police/government personnel and defence personnel are each allotted 8% of new petrol pumps

2% reservation is provided for freedom fighters and outstanding sportspersons, taking the overall reservation to 50%

It has now been decided to give 27 per cent reservation to OBC candidates in allotment of RO dealership

allotment of Retail Outlet dealership will  be made by draw of lots

Reality views by sm –

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Tags – Reservation Petrol Pump SC ST OBC


virendra sharma July 22, 2012  

Good job sm thanks for your support for Soniya's poodle.

MEcoy July 22, 2012  

im sorry i wont pretend i know any of this hoho but if you were talking about petrol products costs are reduced well good for you

SM July 24, 2012  


Its about starting new petrol pump station and reservation based on racism that is caste system of India.