26 June 2012

Make Mumbai Capital of India Move national capital out of New Delhi, to Mumbai, Mumbai for India’s capital,’ campaign

Make Mumbai Capital of India Move national capital out of New Delhi, to Mumbai, Mumbai for India’s capital,’ campaign

Advocate Sujit Shripad Chavan has launched a campaign Mumbai for India’s capital.

Mahamumbai Padvidhar Sabha (MPS) forum is promoting the move to shift India’s capital from New Delhi to Maharashtra’s own.

Advocate Sujit Shripad Chavan is the vice–president of the Mahamumbai Padvidhar Sabha (MPS).

Advocate Sujit Shripad Chavan, who is contesting elections to the Maharashtra Legislative Council, due next month, as an independent candidate.

A group of professionals, including doctors, advocates and teachers, have written to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh asking the Union government to consider moving the national capital out of New Delhi, to Mumbai or declare the Mumbai as the second capital of India.

MPs have written letter to the Prime Minister.
PM told to media that he received the letter but did not give any opinion.

I think political parties should ignore such demand because tomorrow there will demand for 3rd capital then 4th capital.

India needs to focus on corruption and reforms in election procedure.

There is no Need for 2nd capital for India.

India is a poor nation so if we will shift capital to Mumbai then billions of American dollars will be required to make parliament and their seven star bungalows etc.

Reality views by sm –

Tuesday, June 26, 12

Tags - Mumbai India Capital Campaign Mumbai for India’s capital.


Colors and Grays June 26, 2012  

Corruption! our country's have the same problems.

Destination Infinity June 26, 2012  

LOL @ 7 star bungalows for netas. I think, Bhopal might be a better idea. It's right in the center of India :)

Destination Infinity

virendra sharma June 26, 2012  

It is a cheap move by the said advocate to garnaer cheap popularity as he is contesting elections to the MLC.

R. Ramesh June 26, 2012  

i luv mumbai..mumbai meri jaan..but i am not for this campaign buddy..dunno y..