20 May 2012

4 $ or Rs.200 Pension per month under Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme Do you think Politicians should feel ashamed for pension amount

4 $ or Rs.200 Pension per month under Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme
Do you think Politicians should feel ashamed for pension amount

Under Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS), Rs.200 per month per beneficiary is provided by way of Central Assistance to a person who is 65 years or older and belonging to a household below the poverty line according to the criteria prescribed by the Government of India.

Further, Government is also implementing An Integrated Programme for Older Persons, under which grants-in-aid are provided to the Non-Governmental Organizations for running of old age homes, Daycare Centres and Mobile Medicare Units.

As per my information pension is not paid every month on the same date.

200 Indian Rupees equal to 4 American Dollars.

Now you can understand how much poor is India.

India is very rich country, 1000 times richer than USA or whole of this world.

But India is 100000000000000000 times corrupt that this whole of world.

From birth to death, whole Indian life is wasted in thinking about corruption or doing about corruption, paying the corruption amount.

If poor Indians get only 4 USA dollars as a pension, don’t you think all the politicians should also get same pension amount that is 4 USA dollars.

For conversion purpose I always use 1 dollar = 50 Indian Rupees.
Sometimes rate is 54 Rupees, sometimes rate is 49 Rupess.

But I use 1 us $ = 50 Indian Rupees.

Do you think such a nation will become a Super Power?

Never Ever get fooled by false and wrong reports which claim about the super power and good life.

Reality views by sm –

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Tags – India Pension 


Anonymous,  May 21, 2012  

Rs 200 is very low amount.....and obviously no one can survive in just 200....i also don't understand what are the methodology government use, to decided the amount of pension, to be given.....they should rethink on these issues.