18 April 2012

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Warren Buffet diagnosed with prostate cancer stage one

Warren Buffet diagnosed with prostate cancer stage one

Warren Buffet
Age – 81

Billionaire investor Warren Buffett has said in a letter to shareholders that he has been diagnosed with stage one prostate cancer.

He said that on 11 April cancer was detected and after that he undergone a CAT scan, bone scan and MRI.

He would begin a two-month course of daily radiation treatment from mid-July.

The cancer was detected in a routine test,
The cancer is not life threatening

Warren Buffett is listed by Forbes magazine as the world's third richest person.
Wealth = $44bn

Read the letter written by Buffet to share holders

To the Shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway:

This is to let you know that I have been diagnosed with stage I prostate cancer. The good news is that I've been told by my doctors that my condition is not remotely life threatening or even debilitating in any meaningful way. I received my diagnosis last Wednesday. I then had a CAT scan and a bone scan on Thursday, followed by an MRI today. These tests showed no incidence of cancer elsewhere in my body.

My doctors and I have decided on a two-month treatment of daily radiation to begin in mid-July. This regimen will restrict my travel during that period, but will not otherwise change my daily routine.

I feel great - as if I were in my normal excellent health - and my energy level is 100 percent. I discovered the cancer because my PSA level (an indicator my doctors had regularly checked for many years) recently jumped beyond its normal elevation and a biopsy seemed warranted.

I will let shareholders know immediately should my health situation change. Eventually, of course, it will; but I believe that day is a long way off.

Warren E. Buffett

The story is reported by BBC, TOI, NDTV, HT

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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tags – Warren Buffet Cancer


Renu April 18, 2012  

this is what is called positive thinking

कुमार राधारमण April 18, 2012  

Should be cured fully as energy level also helps heal.

Green Striped Shirt April 18, 2012  

I'm happy that he's better. I just hope he would donate more of his money to charity or America's shrinking middle class :(

R April 18, 2012  

I hope he won't longer be sick!

Sujatha Sathya April 18, 2012  

he will bounce back with a spirit like that

Jim April 19, 2012  

Cancer ruins everything, I hope that Mr. Buffet gets through this easily.

Kirtivasan Ganesan April 19, 2012  

What I know of him is from articles and self study. He seems to be a straight man who like hitting the challenges in the center and make money using wisdom and brain.