25 April 2012

Pakistan test fired successfully Hatf IV (Shaheen 1A) nuclear ballistic missile range 5000 KM same like Agni 5

Pakistan test fired successfully Hatf IV (Shaheen 1A) nuclear ballistic missile range 5000 KM same like Agni 5

Few days back India test fired successfully Agni 5 nuclear ballistic missile range 5000 KM.

Now Pakistan has test fired successfully Hatf IV (Shaheen 1A) nuclear ballistic missile range 5000 KM

The missile was an improved version of the Shaheen 1 with a longer range. The Shaheen 1 is believed to have a range of 750 kilometers (465 miles).

Shaheen I is a short-range ballistic missile (SRBM) with an optimal range of 750 km, while Shaheen II is a medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM) with an optimal range of 3000 - 3500 km propelled by a two stage solid fuel rocket motor.

The Shaheen I was first test-launched on April 15, 1999. Two test-launches of a second version with greater range and improved accuracy were carried out in October 2002 and two more in October 2003.

 Shaheen III (White Falcon) is a Pakistani intermediate-range ballistic missile speculated to be in development with a range of 4000-4500 km.
It is a member of the solid-fueled Shaheen series missile family and is envisioned to replace the less advanced liquid-fueled Ghauri-III system

Why Pakistan developed the Shaheen?

 India has established most of its air bases, cantonments, and Corps headquarters within 300 to 400 kilometers from Pakistan's border.
These include the military bases of

1.    Pathankot

2.    Halwara

3.    Amritser

4.    Jampur

5.    Chandigarah

6.    Delhi

7.    Jalandar

8.    Ambala

9.    Rajestan.

The distance of Delhi from Pakistan's border is less than 400 kilometers

Pakistan has tested Hatf IV (Shaheen 1A) nuclear ballistic missile range 5000 KM just to show that they are capable.

The range of the new missile is not known few sites say 3000 km and few sites say 5000 km.

How they got this technology is not important now they also got it its important.

Reality views by sm –

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Tags – Pakistan Hatf IV Shaheen 1A nuclear ballistic missile range 5000 KM


JDC April 25, 2012  

Wish countries would stop making more nukes, only 2 have ever been used and everyone has regretted them.

Shaw April 25, 2012  

seems they're doing better than North Korea

Alucard0691 April 25, 2012  

JDC comment pretty much sums up my opinion on this. If one country launches a nuke, we're all doomed.

Bikram April 25, 2012  

typical .. they had to after india did their test .. Wish both countries concentrated more on other problem both countries have


Kirtivasan Ganesan April 25, 2012  

Sad indeed. The most critical issue is hitting with accuracy. There are so many failures in ISRO projects.
India has a no first use policy. Pakistan does not. Pakistan should have shown restraint.
Now, Iran under Shah should take initiative and sort out issues with India and Pakistan as an extremely friendly gesture.

रविकर April 25, 2012  

उम्मीद के मुताबिक ।।