17 March 2012

USA July 1, 2012 Be ready to receive Copy Right Violation Notices from ISP RIAA ISP to become Copyright Cops or Harassment cops

USA July 1, 2012 Be ready to receive Copy Right Violation Notices from ISP RIAA
ISP to become Copyright Cops or Harassment cops

Last July 2011, Comcast, Cablevision, Verizon, Time Warner Cable and other bandwidth providers announced that they had agreed to adopt policies designed to discourage customers from illegally downloading music, movies and software.

Cary Sherman, CEO of the Recording Industry Association of America, said most of the participating ISPs are on track to begin implementing the program by July 1.

Internet service providers know what each internet customer is doing and how and for what which type of pleasure or activities each customer is using his internet.

Now from July 1 they will start monitoring and if found doing downloading illegal that is copyright material you will receive the educational notices 1 or 2 times or your internet connection may get terminated or your speed will get so reduced you will forget about downloading any type of software.

Which ISPs are part of this agreement?
Participating ISPs include
1. AT&T
2. Cablevision
3. Comcast
4. Time Warner Cable
5. Verizon

For in depth reading
Suggested Reading –

How the notice will work and what will happen

To Stop Illegal downloading Record labels, movie studios and ISP Join hands understand the Warning System adopted by ISP and Content Owners


Reality views by sm –

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Tags - RIAA ISP Copyright Notice


Alucard0691 March 17, 2012  

Oh, you poor americans.

Omnislash March 17, 2012  

Sigh.. not again...

DWei March 18, 2012  

I hope this doesn't affect Canadian users...

Arti March 18, 2012  

Very informative post, sm. Its always a pleasure to come here and read your posts.

Shaw March 18, 2012  

oh man, this sounds awful...

SM March 19, 2012  

The Vacuum Enthusiast,thanks.
DWei, thanks.

Amanda March 19, 2012  

Really interesting article about copyright laws!

sm March 19, 2012  

jamos jhalla,thanks.