14 March 2012

US Senate Nina Turner Bill 307 No Viagra or erectile dysfunction drugs to males without test Ohio State

US Senate Nina Turner Bill 307 No Viagra or erectile dysfunction drugs to males without test Ohio State

This week in US the Cleveland Democrat introduced Senate Bill 307

Backed by Cleveland Democrat Sen. Nina Turner, the proposed legislation comes as a response to the controversial Heartbeat Bill, which bans abortions if a fetal heartbeat can be detected.

Turner is critic of abortion ban bill.

Now Sen. Nina Turner has brought this bill the bill may not be right one but it’s good that she brought this bill to open the eyes of the male politicians and males.

Turner says she is concerned about men’s reproductive health.
Turner said if state policymakers want to legislate women’s health choices through measures such as House Bill 125, known as the “Heartbeat bill,” they should also be able to legislate men’s reproductive health.

If the bill is passed then it will become very difficult for the males to get the drugs like Viagra or erectile dysfunction drugs.

To get legally the blue pill or Viagra then male will be required to go through 8 steps.

1. The patient would have to get an affidavit “in which at least one of the patient’s sexual partners” certifies that the patient has experienced erectile dysfunction in the 90 days leading up to the request for Viagra.

2. A stress test would have to be conducted to ensure the patient is healthy enough for sexual activity.

3. Every 90 days while under treatment, the patient would have to undergo a stress test “to ensure that the patient’s cardiac health continues to be compatible with sexual activity.”

4. A state-approved sex therapist would have to assess the causes of erectile dysfunction and then submit a report certifying that the patient’s symptoms are not caused by other psychological problems.

5. The doctor would have to declare in writing that the drug is necessary and state why.

6. The doctor would have to notify the patient in writing of the dangers of taking Viagra. And the patient must sign a document certifying that he was informed.

7. And to ensure that the patient continues to understand the “dangerous side effects” of Viagra, the patient would have to attend three outpatient counseling sessions “within a period of not less than six months” after initial prescription.

8. All these documents would be placed in the patient’s medical file for “not less than seven years.

Turner's bill is a direct response to House Bill 125 proposed to Ohio Congressman Lynn Wachtmann. Wachtmann's bill — the "Heartbeat bill" — would prohibit abortion as soon as a heartbeat is detected in a fetus.

Now the situation is interesting as female law makers are trying to control the sexual life of males.

The bill may not get passed but what type of laws females can bring for the males now you can think when if you support females should not were short dress or females are responsible for rapes in India.

In India still majority females more than 90% females consider husband as a Patipermeshar that is husband is her god and owner.

If you think I am wrong then I am very happy that I am wrong about the above statement.

Reality views by sm –

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tags- US Bill 307 Ohio


virendra sharma March 14, 2012  

Good report and important update.Pl coorect in the last para 'were'.It should have been wear short dress...thanks.

रविकर March 14, 2012  

ये औषधि भी क्रिया की प्रतिक्रिया का सिद्धांत समझती हैं ||

sm March 14, 2012  

veerubhai, thanks.
रविकर, thanks.

Tenment Funster March 14, 2012  

Why do I have an impression that politicians in general tend to take time to solve the problems which are not such a priority?

homer March 14, 2012  

this sounds funny..hehehhe

lina@happy family March 15, 2012  

Sometimes I don't like politicians...

Adam March 15, 2012  

seems pretty silly

sm March 15, 2012  

Tenment Funster, thanks.
The Vacuum Enthusiast, thanks.
lina@happy family, thanks.
Adam, thanks.
Omnislash, thanks.
Rajesh, thanks.

Unknown February 13, 2013  

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