07 January 2012

Prepaid Mobile Customers – Know about Telecom Consumers Protection Regulations, 2012 Customer friendly Regulations

Prepaid Mobile Customers – Know about Telecom Consumers Protection Regulations, 2012
Customer friendly Regulations

Prepaid Mobile Customers TRAI orders mobile companies to inform customers each time when amount is deducted from their account for different services

Prepaid customers normally do not realize how fast and when their balance gets reduced because of the unknown services they are charged by the companies.

To bring transparency and end the consumer’s problems the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) asked operators to ensure that subscribers are informed each time an amount is deducted from their account for different services.

While announcing the Telecom Consumers Protection Regulations, 2012 TRAI said that
The operators have been given a deadline of 45 days. "Notwithstanding the several steps taken in the past by TRAI with a view to enhance transparency in tariff offers, the authority continues to receive complaints and representations from consumers,"

As per new rules it will be compulsory for the operator to inform the customer after each deduction from their account for the call usage or after every data usage session.
This information will include the

• duration of the call or usage

• the charges deducted

• balance available

• quantum of data usage

By paying Rs. 50 a prepaid customer can now on get the detailed information regarding his usage and his account.
As per rules it will be compulsory for the operator to provide this information within 30 days.

As per new rules when customer will join the new operator he will be provided or given

1. a SIM card

2. a mobile number

3. an abridged version of the Citizen's Charter on the rights of a consumer

The new rules standardized the pre-paid vouchers into 3 categories

1. plan voucher - The plan voucher will have a red colored band

2. top-up voucher - the top-up voucher a green colored band

3. special tariff voucher - the special tariff voucher a yellow colored band

TRAI also announced the Telecom Consumers Complaint Redressal Regulations, asking the operators to set up complaint centres and a web-based complaint monitoring system within 45 days to help consumers check the status of complaints filed.
Customers will also be given a unique docket number and will be informed of the action taken through SMS.

The above rules will apply to all telecom operators or all service providers

All the above rules are good but as there is jail term or fine of Rs. 1 Crore for failing to follow above rules and regulation I doubt the telecom companies will not follow above rules.

After 45 days they will say we need more time by giving different excuses and reasons.

I hope what I think will not happen and Telecom operators will follow the rules and regulations given by the TRAI.

Reality views by sm –

Saturday, January 07, 2012

Tags – TRAI Telecom Consumers Protection Regulations, 2012


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