India Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh Joins Twitter officially Read the first tweet of PM
India Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh Joins Twitter officially Read the first tweet of PM
Indian Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh joined Twitter.
His handle - @PMOIndia
And this is the "Official Twitter account of the Prime Minister's office, New Delhi."
His first tweet
You make all of us proud" - PM tells young brave hearts, children who are honoured for their
acts of courage and meritorious deeds, at the ceremony to give out the National Bravery Awards at his residence
- 7, Race Course Road.
The PMO Twitter account can be accessed
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Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Tags – Twitter PMO Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Handle
oh that's nice. didnt know about it
Good to read .
Sujatha Sathya, thanks.
veerubhai, thanks.
I didn't know this. Maybe he will be more 'vocal' on twitter.