13 October 2011

Occupy Wall Street a Short Film Warning to American Politicians Support Occupy Wall Street Join Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Wall Street a Short Film Warning to American Politicians Support Occupy Wall Street Join Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Wall Street is a moment which is gaining and spreading slowly in USA.

The video shows how just like Indian Politicians American Politicians also say something and do something.

Do you trust your servant?
Yes we may trust our servant but as an intelligent Employer we take all the precautions before trusting them and always we keep close watch on them.
Few companies even check their laptops and bags everyday before they leave the office premises.

The moment we the citizens of any country sleep and forget that Politician is our servant they start to become kings and finally they become the kings and we become the slaves.

Never ever trust a politician or law maker even if he is your own father or brother or sister.

The law making power and chair can corrupt the mind of any human.

Watch the short film on Occupy Wall street – A warning to American Politicians

Reality views by sm –
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Tags – Occupy Wall Street Movement Support Occupy Wall Street


Bikram October 13, 2011  

Will watch it for sure , once i reach home :)


Stranger in a Strange Land October 13, 2011  

Hello SM:

Thanks for this one. I call it Hypocrisy 101. A lesson in Hypocrisy.

Kindest regards,

Kiran @ KiranTarun.com October 13, 2011  

US is no longer a peaceful country - the politicians and greedy corporate are ruining everything!

sm,  October 13, 2011  
