21 September 2011

Poverty Line Planning Commission Earn Rs 25 Each day, Half Dollar a Day You are Rich Indian

Poverty Line Planning Commission Earn Rs 25 Each day, Half Dollar a Day You are Rich Indian

First know who is poor in USA as per American Government
How the USA defines the poverty line?
The American government defines the poverty line

1. as income of USD 22,314 (about Rs 10 lakh) a year for a family of four

2. and USD 11,139 (about Rs 5 lakh) for individual.

Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2010.' This report said that one in every six American is living below poverty line.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is the head of Planing Commission.

Planning commission of India stated in a affidavit told to Supreme Court of India that
Tendulkar rural poverty line of Rs 447 per capita per month about Rs 15 per day at
2004-05 prices, equivalent to roughly Rs 25 per day today after adjusting for Inflation "ensures the adequacy of actual private expenditure on food, education and health."

In 25 Rs. what we can do?

How Government of India is going to decide who is poor in India.
Who is below poverty line in India?

According to the Planning Commission of India if any individual spends more than Rs 965 in a city then he will be considered rich Indian.

If any individual spends Rs. 781 per month in a village then he is rich person.
Thus if someone in India earns Rs. 965 a month he is rich Indian.

Rs.965 multiply 12 months = Rs. 11,580
Rs.781 multiply 12 months = Rs 9444

Rs.11,580 = 241.48 USD

Rs.9444 = 196.94 USD

Compare above with the American Poverty line –

as income of USD 22,314 (about Rs 10 lakh) a year for a family of four
USD 11,139 (about Rs 5 lakh) for individual.

Indian planning commission said that As per the revised estimate the total BPL population decreased to 35.89 crore.

Can you spend with a day with 25 Rs. in Mumbai or Bangalore or Delhi?

I don’t think so, in a village also we can not live or spend a day with only Rs. 25.

But our politicians say that then my question to Congress Government is that if it is possible then why not fix the salaries of all politicians as per poverty line.

Why don’t you show the Indians how to spend a day with Rs.25?

If we apply the American poverty line to Indians I think 95% Indians are living below poverty line.

If we will apply the German poverty line then also 95% Indians are living below poverty line.

A life of Beggar

AND still intelligent Indians say we are shining

Reality views by sm –

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tags-News India Planning Commission Poverty line Congress Manmohan Singh PM


Sujatha Sathya September 21, 2011  

very interesting read. didn't know a lot of the stuff here

liked your post on the All Time Movie list too. there are so many in that list i've seen (a few more than twice) and so many that i havent seen at all

Anonymous,  September 21, 2011  

SM thanks for bringing the core issue on the fore front. I think this issues should be brought for national discussion and parameters for defining poverty needs to be redesigned. What is government hiding behind this poverty line? Is a matter of investigation.

Renu September 21, 2011  

why dont politicians apply the same logic to their salaries..why they keep increasing theirs?..they shouldnt get more than 1000/ month, to keep- them above poverty line..nothing more...

BK Chowla, September 21, 2011  

Govt has now started to insult the poor

Kirtivasan Ganesan September 21, 2011  

My dear fellow bloggers, read the 16th line. After Tendulkar. The government is talking about rural poverty.

Anonymous,  September 21, 2011  

MEra bharat Mahaan...


SM September 21, 2011  

Sujatha Sathya,thanks.AKS,thanks.Renu,thanks.BK chowla,thanks.Kirti,thanks.Mannbikram,thanks.

Unknown September 22, 2011  

“……….DEAR MANMOHAN SINGH & PLANNING COMMISSION OF SUPREME COURT……..what u think that the poverty line which u have fixed is something very gr8 decision u have made……if u think so then I really invite u at my place for just a month and give u ur fixed budget of a month…..to take out a month (i.e. 965 per month)…..along with maintenance, light bill, whole month food storage, traveling, fees of education, stationary, medical expenses…etc…..if u take out all this I will salute u…..and will consider u as a rich person…….”

Teamgsquare September 22, 2011  

Rubbish , stupid governance . Just ridiculing all the people of country .

sm,  September 23, 2011  

Team G square,thanks.