21 September 2011

26 Election Reforms Required for India to make India corruption free India

26 Election Reforms Required for India to make India corruption free India

After our Independence our politicians did not make any changes in the ways the British ruled India.
Thus many Indians do not know the real meaning of democracy.

To make the lives of citizens better the politicians need to introduce new laws and have to amend the laws.

To reduce corruption in India we have to bring many type of new laws as well as we have to amend the old laws.

To make our Indian democracy strong , good people should get elected in elections

India needs to bring following reforms in our election system.

Election Reforms for Central and State Government elections –

Following are the 26 suggested election reforms for India to improve the election system of India.

Not eligible to stand for elections –
If any court in India has framed a charges against a candidate then that candidate should not allowed to stand in any public elections.

Once a charge is framed by court of law against anyone then those candidates should be considered ineligible to stand in lower house elections as well as upper house elections.

Punishment by Lower court and ban –
Any candidate who is found guilty by any court of law in India and if such criminal has filed appeal in higher court of law then that candidate should be banned from contesting any public elections that is upper or lower house.

Rule is simple = Go to court of law prove that you are not guilty then stand for elections or if you are guilty then go complete your jail term and then stand for elections.

Fixing Age - After age of 65 or 70 or 60 No one should be allowed to contest elections.

Before elections every candidate is supposed to file affidavit.
If any candidate gives false information in his affidavit in such cases a candidate should be sent to Jail for 25 Years or fine of Rs. 25 Crore with no power to anyone to reduce the fine or jail term.

Secondly a political party which gave such a candidate ticket should not be allowed to contest any elections or such party should be fined for giving a election ticket.

It should be compulsory duty of Political party that party checks the affidavits of each candidate before submitting the affidavit to election commission.
This way a candidate will not get any excuse to say that I forgot or its typing mistake.

None of the above option on ballot paper or electronic voting machine – Voter should be allowed to reject the candidate thus after the 10 or 20 candidate there should be one button for none of the above.

If in any election 51% votes show none of the above then in that city new election should take place and all the 10 or 20 candidates should not be allowed to contest 2nd time elections.

This will encourage citizens to vote.
politicians and political parties will think 10 times before giving election ticket and spending on election. Currently candidates spend black money of Rs. 25 or 10 Crore. If they get elected they know that they will become more rich by using legal loopholes and their powers.

None of the above votes should be counted and should be declared in elections.

Right to recall – How to introduce Right to recall its very easy.

After winning elections if citizens feel that now their chosen candidate has become bad or corrupt then in this case we need a provision so that citizens can fire him from his job.

Introduction of Right to recall through election system.

For this each year an election should be held by election commission of India and if elected politician gets less that 51% votes then in such case it should be considered that citizens rejected him and new election should take place.

Ballot paper or electronic machine should have only two choices
Hire him or Fire him
After that in election if 51% votes go for fire him then he should resign from his post and new election should take place.

Introduction of 51% vote concept -

In an election suppose no one gets 51% votes.
In that case election commission should take 2nd election between only those 2 candidates who got highest votes. Then in 2nd election who ever wins should be declared the winner.

Bringing Equality in election spending –
For this Government of India should create a fund and from that fund election commission should fund and help each candidate. No candidate should be allowed to spend from his pockets.

Compulsory Registration of Members and Website –
It should be compulsory for every political party to have a website and each party should register its party workers. On its website each party should give the criminal background of its party workers.

Political Parties Ban on accepting cash donations –
Political Parties should not be allowed to accept donations or funds in cash.
Parties should be allowed to accept funds and donations through cheque only.
Even if someone is paying donation of Rs. One then also he should give Rs.One by way of cheque.

Any political party who accepts the donation by way of Cash should be banned from contesting elections for next 50 Years.

Party chief and its management should be banned from contesting elections even if they form new political party.

Political Part and choosing head –
Introduction of Democracy inside political party working.

All political parties should choose its party head or party chief through election and such election should be monitored by Election commission.

No one should become the head of party because his father or mother is the head of that party.

Limit on contesting elections Limiting number of Attempts –

Win or lose No one should be allowed to contest elections more than 4 times.
Even if someone wins elections 4 times then also he should not be allowed to contest any election.

Every Indian should be allowed to contest elections only for 4 times.

No 5th chance even if he becomes Mahatma or God of Nation.

Election commission officers –

Currently in India IAS officers from each state monitor the elections of that same state.

In this what happens those IAS officers know that in future he will work under that leader whom he is monitoring thus there is need that the IAS officers from other state should monitor the elections of other state and choosing of these IAS officers should be done by Supreme Court of India or election commission of India.

Election commission chief of India should be appointed by team of Retired Supreme Court judges or parliament should vote and choose the chief election commission.

Ruling political party and spending –
No right to spend funds on advertisements. If they will do the good work media will automatically report that work

Political party head can take a meeting with reporters and can inform them what their achievements are. Political parties should not be allowed to spend a single Rupee on advertisement.

Many times in India rich candidates stand in election from two places so we need to bring a new law which will restrict the candidates from standing in elections from 2 cities or constituencies

Upper House and Retirement
Rajya Sabha Members - Rajya Sabha or upper house members we need to introduce law and see that each Rajya Sabha member retires forever after serving 2 terms.
Limit on number of times how many times a candidate can become member of upper house.

Audit of Political Parties and funds – Election commission of India should audit the political party members every year and it should inform the Indian citizens that each party got how many criminal party workers with their names and photos and addresses.

Election cases and misconduct – It should be made compulsory for High courts and Supreme Court of India to give the judgment of case in 3 months of time in a cases which are related with elections.

Currently Indian laws do not allow parties to purchase single MP OR MLA but as per law they can buy the gangs of MP and MLA. Suggested reform is scrapping of anti defection law. Each Single MP and MLA should be allowed to change his party daily basis and vote for anyone without fear of his party leader. MP and MLA should fear his city or village people to whom he represents and not to his party leadership and party whip and party head orders. No MP or MLA should be disqualified if he goes against the party.

Electoral malpractices should be declared criminal offenses carrying a sentence of 25 Years.

Fixing of CCTV cameras and online access - Introduction of law that every political should install a CCTV camera in their party offices thus Indian citizens can see to whom the party workers and leaders are meeting.

Fixing of CCTV camera and live on internet – All government offices should be fixed with CCTV so every Indian can see how much hard work the elected politician is doing for the citizens.

Each Year elected politician should declare in depth how he made money and how and why his property is increasing.

Salary commission for elected politicians – A new government department should be created who will decide the salaries of elected politicians with the right not to pay the salaries to elected politicians if they fail to deliver the promises.

Political Party Manifesto –
In every election political parties issue manifesto saying that we will do this and that. Now we need to bring a law which will give manifesto a status a contract between citizens and political parties if political parties fail to give what manifesto says then citizens should be allowed to file case of cheating against elected candidate as well as political party bosses and heads Such cases should be decided in 3 months of time.

This will stop the political parties from giving false promises to citizens. Currently political party promise to citizens anything which is not possible as law do not allow it.

We to introduce all the above reforms and news laws to make India a corruption free nation.
Corruption never ends but we should starve hard to limit the corruption.

Reality views by sm –
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tags- Election Reforms India News Election


Anonymous,  September 21, 2011  

Dear SM this is an issue of national discussion. I think this are your personal views. I do agree to certain extend but then few reforms are too harsh and unacceptable and cannot be implemented. I will comment more on it later.

Kirtivasan Ganesan September 21, 2011  

I liked your 51% concept.
Putting differential calculus and other techniques, I think a solution can be made where a person voting may have to select twice. The first being the candidate he wants. Then the system will check for a tie at that point of time. If a tie exists then lights will glow on tied candidates and he has to press again. This will reduce costs.

sm,  September 21, 2011  

Kirti,thanks.I will wait for your comments.
Yes every Indian needs to discuss on the above points and reforms.

Flats in Chandigarh September 21, 2011  

Very good post. I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say that I have really enjoyed reading your blog posts. Any way I'll be subscribing to your feed and I hope you post again soon.

Lucky verma,  May 14, 2012  

Goood presentation of deterrant nature.Some of the suggested reforms are not at all feasible,like ranges of punishment and political party election.The best reform which is the need of the hour is to make graduatation/Hss a mandatory qualification and later on while ministerial posts are allocated amongst these elected members only,this educational qualification will come hand to hand to assess his capability for the job.Moreover, its ministers who reflect the government vision.Track record of his financial,civil and family history should be attached with the nomination form and that has to be verified before hand.An annual audit of this financial income of every politician need to be made mandatory like civil servents are disclosing their assets.Any asset and property made during the tenure has to be endorsed with correct market value and source of the funding to be verified.All major decisions incorporating huge finances need to be taken up by a group of ministers ,not to left out to the sole minister of that dept,even public opinion can be sought for better utilisation of the fund.Election contesting from the jails have to be made a matter of past now,probably India seems to be only country to offering this service to mighty ,corrupt netas.One can only contest for a single seat.Initial state funding like RS.40Lakh for LS,Rs.16Lakh for state assemblies have to be introduced in more concise manner with per day expenditure filing to the concerned authority.Time has also come to make RIGHT TO VOTE a fundamental duty.

Anonymous,  June 30, 2012  

I agree with AKS that some of the points are very harsh and may be difficult to implement. I would suggest that we should go step-by-step starting from A then upto Z. As of now 70% of our population is now in villages and follows like sheep to their shepherd. We can start with that any person who has an FIR registered, should not be given ticket. As in our country it takes ages to come to the end of justice. One should not contest for more than two times so that more intellectuals come forward. The maximum age should be limited to 70 and minim qualification Hr Secondary. If the voting percentage is less than 51%, the voting should be declared null and void. There should be a button NONE OF THE ABOVE. Yearly review of elected representative be declared by EC. If the people are use to these procedures, then further amendments may be suggested. (RCS)

Anonymous,  December 08, 2016  

I agree with majority of the points expressed. However they may seem harsh to some but are quite important non the less. I've also written about the same in my blog https://hashtaglaw.blogspot.in/2016/12/the-election-season-part-i.html let me know what you think about it.

Unknown December 28, 2016  

Hey!!!!!.... Your Blog Is very nice and informative, I have some important knowledge about