29 August 2011

Electoral Reforms Right to Recall and Right to Reject next agenda of Anna Hazare

Electoral Reforms Right to Recall and Right to Reject next agenda of Anna Hazare
On August 16 Anna Hazare began his fast.

After 12 days of fast Anna Hazare ended his fast after government agreed and accepted 3 demands of Anna.

He took coconut water mixed with honey from two little girls
Simran and Ikrah at 10:20 am to the dais at the Ramlila Ground to break his fast.

Anna told to Indian citizens and his supporters on Ramlila Maidan that "I have only suspended my agitation. I will not rest until all the changes that I look to are achieved,"

Anna also said that now he will take up the agenda and that is electoral Reforms.

1. Right to Recall – For elected MPs – Recall their MPs in case they failed to perform their duties.

2. Right to Reject - will be a column in the ballot paper which will give right to voter to say that he does not like the listed candidates.

Anna said that we need to reform our electoral system.
He said that voter should get the right to reject the candidate in the ballot paper.
"If majority say they do not like any of the candidates in the fray, the election should be cancelled. How much money they (candidates) will distribute? Once the candidate spends Rs. 10 crore for one election and if the election is cancelled, then right sense will dawn upon them,"

After addressing the supporters Anna left Ramlila Maidan and reached the Medanta Medicity hospital in Gurgaon.

Anna has not eaten in last 12 days and he lost 7.5 Kgs.

Suggested Reading –
Electoral Reform – Right to reject or none of the above option on the ballot paper

Reality views by sm –
Monday, August 29, 2011

Tags- News Anna Hazare Electoral Reforms Right to Recall Right to Reject


Anonymous,  August 29, 2011  

Now this is something that makes much more sense than janlokpal perhaps....i wish this man or someone from his team enters politics....we need some good leaders...

रविकर August 29, 2011  

Agree ||

बहुत-बहुत बधाई |

सुन्दर प्रस्तुति ||

Alka Gurha August 29, 2011  

Better late than never.

Amrit August 29, 2011  

Yes. I like it :)))

sm,  August 29, 2011  

chintan,thanks.Ravikar,thanks.Alka Gurha,thanks.A,thanks.

Dinesh August 29, 2011  

As a Citizen of India I would like to RECALL every LOOTER and CORRUPT Politicians, Liar Spokepersons of all all parties who CHEAT and MISGUIDE the Country for Cover-Up. I would also like to RECALL Corrupt/Tainted Amar Singh, Mulayam, Laloo, Abhishek Manu Sanghvi etc... from Standing Committee.

Destination Infinity August 29, 2011  

This is a great idea - especially the second one. If more than 50% of the people reject all the candidates, then the election should be canceled. But what's the alternative? Anyways, I will start voting if this option comes up.

Destination Infinity

Teamgsquare August 29, 2011  

Great thought though .

SM August 29, 2011  

Dinesh,thanks.Destination Infinity,thanks.
Team G square,thanks.

Mohit Mathur August 30, 2011  

I would propose None of these in the option in place of right to reject as the None of these option would not only cancels the election as well as cancelation of candidature of a candidates standing in polls from that constituency and reelection would happen with new nominations.

Anonymous,  September 01, 2011  

Election reforms are the need of the hour. R2R are some answers but above that we need a minimum Qualification to be introduced for MPs. It is like sweeper doing a kidney transplant in operation theater and a mason drawing a architectural of 5star hotel. No person who is not qualified as doctor is allowed to work as doctor then why an unqualified MP (Law maker)? we don't allow that then why unqualified people design the nation??? We need to have some checks on that too. Wake-up India it's time to have your say.

Anonymous,  September 01, 2011  

right to recall and right to reject should be there in our parliament by which we can implment our country free from these depave politicians...........

Anonymous,  September 01, 2011  

Right to Recall may be bit impossible as it would ask for 2/3 voters to come on one platform. think about it MP constituency is of around 1.2 million to get 2/3rd you need 800,000 voters to recall a MP. If you are even short of 1 voter the MP will not be recalled. At present even voting at the time of election does not take place to that numbers. How we will recall the MP? There is a need to have some other option for this. Need to think and debate over it. transparency of the MP is the utmost requirement.

sm,  September 01, 2011  

AKS,thanks.Anonmous,thanks.AKS right to recall is difficult task.

Anonymous,  September 02, 2011  

Right to recall is difficult but not impossible!! We all Indians have to get on our feet and work in the right direction. We can find a way through the obstacles.

sm,  September 03, 2011  

@AKSthanks.yes is difficult task but not impossible but first we should get right to reject as early as possible as its very easy task.