22 July 2011

ASCI orders to remove 3 Deodorant advertisements Axe Effect Zatak Axe Deodorant Set Wet Deodorant from air TV

ASCI orders to remove 3 Deodorant advertisements Axe Effect
Zatak Axe Deodorant Set Wet Deodorant from air TV

Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) has asked Hindustan Unilever and Paras Pharma to pull their objectionable deodorant commercials off air.
The complaints upheld against three deodorant advertisements include

The Hindustan Unilever Ltd’s The Axe Effect advertisement - The Hindustan Unilever Ltd’s The Axe Effect advertisement - depicting a female security staff checking a man at an airport with a metal detector on his chest and arms. She is shown in a spell of lust and clinging to his body in a display of sexual passion overpowering her with the voice-over, “The Axe Effect”.

Paras Pharmaceutical’s Zatak Axe Deodorant - shows a boy going to a lady dentist after using the Deo. As he sprays the deodarant, the lady dentist is shown closing her eyes and moaning suggestively. When the boy says that he has toothache, the lady dentist is shown unbuttoning his shirt. She asks him to breathe and demonstrates it by sensuously thrusting her bust forward. In doing so, her white coat is off and her inner garment is clearly showing off her cleavage.

Watch the video of the advt - Paras Pharmaceutical’s Zatak Axe Deodorant

Paras Pharmaceutical’s Set Wet Deodorant advertisement - shows a man using the Deodarant and a female clinging to him in a passionate display of desire. An onlooker also tries the deodorant and soon a female is shown coming behind him taking off her garment and clinging to him lustfully.

The consumer complaints council of ASCI that is CCC in a meeting which was recently held concluded that these advertisements display overtly sexual desire and are also demeaning to women.
Keeping in view the generally prevailing standards of decency and propriety is likely to cause grave and widespread offence.
Since these advertisements contravened Chapter II of the ASCI Code, the complaints against these three advertisements have been Upheld.

During the meeting, CCC also noted Paras Pharmaceutical’s assurance that the Zatak Axe TVC would be appropriately modified.

once a complaint is upheld, the advertiser has to pull off the commercial within 48 hrs and then he/she has the option of either modifying it or completely withdrawing it.

The CCC during the same meeting did not upheld complaints against 4 deodarant advertisements

McNROE Consumers Products P. Ltd’s Wild Stone Deodorant - showing a woman who is blindfolded gradually removing her blindfold to cast a sensuous look at a man and then again putting it on. Thereafter, she is shown sensuously groping for the man. The woman is then shown removing her saree off in a seductive gesture, as the man is shown spraying the Deo on his body.

Mankind Pharma’s Addiction Deo - showing a man spraying the Deo and sending an ensemble of dancing women. One female is shown clinging to the man with a song in the background – “can you handle all my addiction?”.

Hindustan Unilever’s New Axe Googly - depicting behavior of boys and girls in a pub.

Vanesa Inc’s Denver Deodorant –

Suggested Reading –
Know about Advertising Standards Council of India [ASCI]

Reality views by sm –

Tags – News Advertisement Banned Deo axe effect mankind


chitra July 22, 2011  

Anything to sell the products. Thanks for the info.

sm,  July 22, 2011  


Haritha July 22, 2011  

i have just always wondered how vulgar are these ads and when will authorities actually take the necessary action!
glad to hear the action is taken and thanks for the info

sm,  July 23, 2011  


The Poet July 23, 2011  

This goes beyond sexual harassment. This is how low companies have sunk in order to sell their products. All sense of morality has been lost.

A very sad sign of our times both in India and everywhere else in the world.

Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog.

sm,  July 23, 2011  
