15 June 2011

Second Time Italy Said Bye Bye No to Nuclear Power after Germany said Bye bye to nuclear energy power

Second Time Italy Said Bye Bye No to Nuclear Power after
Germany said Bye bye to nuclear energy power

After Japan Nuclear accident Germany said No to nuclear power
And now Italy became the 2nd nation which said No to nuclear power.

More than 90% voters rejected Silvio Berlusconi's plans for a return to nuclear power generation in Italy.

It is the second time Italians have said no to nuclear energy in a referendum.

Year 1987 –
Following the Chernobyl disaster in the Ukraine, Italians voted to completely shut down their nuclear power generators.

Year 2008 –
Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi had overturned the decision that was taken in year 1987.
Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi made administrative plans to not only bring back nuclear power but to actually produce 25% of Italy’s energy from nuclear by 2020.

March 11 – Japan Japan’s Fukushima disaster.

After Japan's Fukushima disaster Germany announced plans to abandon its nuclear program by 2022.

Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi wanted and made plans to produce
25% of Italy’s energy from nuclear by 2020.

But power of voting defeated Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and his plans.

As per Italian law –
The referendum needs a turnout of at least 50% to be binding.
The first time in 16 years that a quorum had been achieved in any referendum in Italy.

In order to overturn legislation in a referendum, 50% of voters must participate, and this particular event called out 57% of Italy’s registered voters.

And the legislation for the return of nuclear power received a 94% opposition rate.

Prime Minister Berlusconi´s government tried to block the nuclear referendum,
However, Italy’s Supreme Court of Cassation ruled that they should go forward and said the referendum, backed by 750,000 signatures, could go ahead.

How Italy got its power in year 2010?
In 2010 Italy got its power as follows.
22.2% of Italy’s power came from renewable energy sources

64.8% were from fossil fuels

13% were imported sources, including French nuclear power

Now it’s expected that Italy will also turn to solar energy the one of the best options available to we Humans.

Always say
No to Nuclear Energy
Ban Nuclear Energy

Reality views by sm –
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Keyword Tag – Nuclear Energy Italy No Nuclear Power


Kirtivasan Ganesan June 15, 2011  

India should invent heat adder device. A device which will add up 50 C sink with another sink of 50 C to give a 100 C sink. Such a device will solve our energy problems.

Kirtivasan Ganesan June 15, 2011  

On a serious note, India should focus only on unity and human qualities. Science is not our area.

sm,  June 15, 2011  


Irfanuddin June 15, 2011  

hopefully India will also do something and think twice before going further on Nuclear energy.

sm,  June 16, 2011  
