16 June 2011

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BJP Karnataka forest minister C H Vijayashankar says United Nations is like East Company India – Do you think Minister needs to compare objects of UN

BJP Karnataka forest minister C H Vijayashankar says United Nations is
like East Company India – Do you think Minister needs to compare objects of UN

East India Company landed in the Asian region when there was no India.

East India Company defeated everyone, later British king took the charge and development of India started.

Divide and Rule was the policy and today also Indian politicians use the same policy.

Karnataka forest minister C H Vijayashankar compares and says that the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) with the East India Company are equal and same.

Why the minister is angry?

Biodiversity rich areas in the Western Ghats, ten sites are up for inclusion in the World
Heritage list.

BJP Minister C H Vijayashankar told to Times of India that "This is how the British came to India.
Why should we allow the rights of the Union and state governments to be curtailed by a foreign agency?
The tag has no advantages and, instead, only ruins the local system and culture.

Further he said that "There are several agencies, courts and laws to monitor and take action if the government errs.
Why do we need UNESCO?
Once we get the tag, we have to stand before them for everything.
Even if we have to sink a bore well for tribals, we need to seek their permission.''
The tag, in his opinion, has nothing to offer except international recognition.
He feels that tourist places should be allowed to have the status, but not evergreen forests in the Western Ghats.

This clearly shows the lack of knowledge when someone compares UNESCO, united nations with East India company.

Currently East India Company is owned by and controlled by Indians.

He should read the objects of UNESCO and East India Company.

The reality is that it is very easy to break Indian laws and it’s very difficult to break international laws.

This is the problem once they get protected it will become very difficult to destroy the
Biodiversity, it will become more difficult to do illegal works in that area which will destroy the nature.

Reality views by sm-
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Keyword Tag – BJP Karnataka UN East India Company Karnataka forest minister C H Vijayashankar


रविकर June 16, 2011  

agree : This clearly shows the lack of knowledge when someone compares UNESCO, united nations with East India company.

@-East India Company landed in the Asian region when there was no India.

not agree :--If there was no India , how they got the name i.e. East India Company.

sm,  June 17, 2011  

Ravi kar ,,
Please read the following article which will clear many doubts about East India Company and India

Know the Indian Legal History – Part One -– East India Company Year 1600


रविकर June 17, 2011  

Page not found
Sorry, the page you were looking for in the blog From Politics To Fashion does not exist.

sorry page is not thereravikar

sm,  June 17, 2011  


or just check the label legal history part one.

Kirti,  June 17, 2011  

Firstly, there is laziness to get approval. But the minister should understand that government forms and government approval are much more difficult than UN forms.
Such comments made in public causes a lot of illwill. Ministers and social activists should have very high level of emotional intelligence.
Because leadership qualities are directly proportional to EQ (A US company study).
I agree that Indian laws are easy to break than international laws. I have heard comments in forest area that a man killing another man can escape punishment(Indian law) but a man who fells a tree cannot(International law).

Arti June 17, 2011  

Very informative and interesting piece.

sm,  June 17, 2011  


sm,  June 17, 2011  

sorry the link got the some formatting mistake.
Here is the link

>know Indian legal History part One