05 June 2011

Anna Hazare and Civil Society Members to boycott Lokpal bill drafting meeting scheduled on Monday 6th 2011

Anna Hazare and Civil Society Members to boycott Lokpal bill drafting meeting scheduled on Monday 6th 2011
Updated – June 6, 2011 – 12.10 AM IST

Baba Ramdev started his hunger strike on 4th June,
But later on 5th June night time Delhi Police used the force and evicted Ramdev and his supporters.

Because of this attack on Ramdev Baba and his followers the five civil society members of the Lokpal Bill drafting committee have decided to boycott the meeting of the panel on Monday in New Delhi.

Anna Hazare called this action undemocratic.
Anna Hazare said that "What the Government has done is a blot on democracy.
There was no need for the Government to suppress this movement and attack those protesting at midnight.
It was not right to lathi charge the people at midnight Small children and women were brutally assaulted.
The entire country should stand up as one and protest against this brutal and inhuman action”

Lokpal Bill drafting committee member and retired Supreme Court Judge Santosh Hegde said that it was the violation of fundamental rights.
This is a serious violation of the Fundamental Rights.
We need to think about whether to go back to Government to negotiate about Lokpal Bill. Even if the Government had a deal with Baba Ramdev earlier, there was no need for this midnight action.
This is clearly inhuman to lathi charge and teargas when people were sleeping.
I have not felt this disappointed since Emergency.
If he was really a cheat, then why go to the airport to receive him with four ministers,"

Senior lawyer Prashant Bhushan said that, it shows complete intolerance on the part of the Government for a peaceful satyagrah.
It makes a mockery of democracy.
At one level senior Cabinet ministers roll out the red carpet for him and on another Digvijaya Singh calls him a fraud.
Why was the Government negotiating with him if they thought he was a crook?
Ramdev had our support for most of his demands except for the death penalty (for the corrupt),"

RTI activist Arvind Kejriwal said and demanded that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh must explain and clarify on the crackdown.
Further he added that "This is a violation of the Fundamental Rights. We want a explanation from the Prime Minister on what was the provocation which led him to order such a barbaric action. We will discuss with Anna on the future course of the agitation,"

Updated – June 6, 2011 – 12.10 AM IST

Anna Hazare said that we will protest at Jantar Mantar in Delhi, I will protest myself and I ask the country to participate in this second war for independence,"

Anna further said that "In view of the government's barbaric actions, since its intentions to remove corruption have become suspect, we will attend any future meetings of the joint committee only if they were telecast live"

Civil society members said that threatened a pullout if future meetings of the joint committee weren't telecast live.

This is demand is right you are discussing about our India , My India , Your India, thus we have full right to see and hear what is the position of government of India servants and the civil society members.

Reality views by sm –
Sunday, June 05, 2011

Keyword Tag – Lokpal Bill Meeting Cancelled Boycott on June 6th Monday


SANDEEP PANWAR June 05, 2011  

ये मारा, नहले पे दहला,
जोर का थप्पड जो दिखाई ना दिया,

SM June 05, 2011  

जाट देवता (संदीप पवाँर),,

dr.antony June 05, 2011  

I dont know where all this is heading to.Politicians are not that keen to dig their own graves.It was better to get something done through Anna Hassare,than someone coming up with impossible demands at thi stime.

Teamgsquare June 05, 2011  

It is ridiculous on the part of the govt to do something like this . Its really shameful .

R. Ramesh June 05, 2011  

any step by anyone against corruption in india shold be supported..let them belong to any party, any dogma..corruption in india has messed up life beyond words...the nation is being raped by corrupt leaders..wake up india

sm,  June 05, 2011  


sm,  June 05, 2011  

Team G Square,,

sm,  June 05, 2011  

R. Ramesh,,
Yes cause is important not the person

Amrit June 06, 2011  

Let us see what comes out. I am not too confident because of questionable nature of Ramdev too.

sm,  June 07, 2011  


Neha June 19, 2011  

Anna Hazare ji is again fighting for the freedom for his own people with his own people and with the anarchy of corruption, which is ruled by the politicians and guilty. lets get into it, did Annaji fought for freedom for any personal agains, we don't think so. Even now he is fighting for others with no agains. So please support the true leaders. When all our honest and loyal politcian are for betterment of the people then why not support the Lokpal bill. Why Not? Because you will not punish yourself for your own crimes that you commit or........... If the Lokpal bill is passed 90% of the people related to govt. offices will be in danger not to mention the politicians who make billions without this law. I hope the affords of the Annaji's are successful as he was at the time of 1947. But lets face this, if the bill is passed anyway will that be imune to corruption. What do you all think?

sm,  June 20, 2011  

let us see what happens in next meeting.