17 May 2011

Tips and Tricks Uses of Mouse Middle or Third Button – including opening link in new tab window with one click

Tips and Tricks Uses of Mouse Middle or Third Button –
including opening link in new tab window with one click

Now days Every Mouse got the three buttons.
Every one uses right and left mouse button but there is third button that is middle button is which useful and helps lot.

If you are using 2 button Mouse then also no problem here is the trick.

For those without middle mouse buttons or mouse wheel, clicking both mouse buttons at the same time also mimics the Middle Click function.

Many Laptops mimic the Middle Click function if you click the right and left pads at the same time.
In most of the laptops, clicking left button and right button simultaneously acts as a middle mouse button.
If you are running Windows, you can change your mouse setting by moving to
Control Pane –>
Hardware and Sound –>
Under both button choose Scroll to make it your middle mouse button.

Where is the Middle Button or Third Button on My Mouse?
Your middle button is your scroll wheel, which on most mice is clickable.
Take a look at your mouse, you may find a scroll wheel. Click on this and it works as a middle mouse button.
Right under your mouse wheel there is your Middle Button.

Let us know the tips tricks or uses of the mouse middle button or the third button of the mouse.

Middle button is called as the Third Button of the mouse.
Third Button is supported by nearly every browser Firefox, IE, Chrome, Safari, Opera and many more.

Opening a link in new tab window –
Tabbed Browsing everyone knows One window and inside that many windows.
Majority times we right click the link and open the link in new window.
But sometimes Right click is disabled on few sites including my site.
So it becomes very difficult to open different links in new window one has to click back and forward or open new page every time.

Now here is simple solution -
Now you can use the middle mouse button to open pages in new tab saving your time.
Below is link Just Press the Middle Button and it will open in a new tab window.

Still you find it difficult try it again or second solution is you can use
Ctrl+click to open a link in a new tab.

Closing Tab If you have opened the lot of tab windows.
Normally what we do to close the tab.

Suppose you opened 10 tab windows and now want to close few tabs.
Then you will have to open the tab window.

Then we place the cursor on the Cross [x] icon on the tab window then press mouse button to close that tab window.

Now here is more simple solution to close the one tab window.

Just take the cursor to the Tab window which you want to close and press the middle button that is third button and your tab window will get closed.

No need to put the mouse cursor on X icon on tab window just press the Middle Button of the Mouse and you are done.

Auto scroll mode –
Middle click once on the page to activate auto scroll mode.
Notice that the cursor changes.

You can now use the mouse to determine the rate of scrolling.

More the distance more the speed less the distance page will scroll slowly
Middle-clicking again releases this mode and reverts to the normal mouse cursor.

Reality views by sm –
May 17, 2011

Keyword Tag – Mouse Button Uses Tips Mouse Middle Third Button Tips Tricks


Amrit May 18, 2011  

Does this trick work on Mac and Ipad?

sm,  May 18, 2011  

I am not sure about it.But i will try to find information about that.

sm,  May 18, 2011  

Team G Square,,

Amrit May 18, 2011  


I was just trying to make a point. Mac has one button on mouse. iPad works completely differently. Trick only applies to Windows PC with three button mouse.

SM May 18, 2011  

thanks for updating and adding information.