Protecting Kasab ITBP demands Rs.10.87 Crore from Maharashtra Government
Protecting Kasab ITBP demands Rs.10.87 Crore from Maharashtra Government
200 commandos of The Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) force provide 24-hour security to 26/11 terror convict Ajmal Kasab.
RK Bhatia, Director General of Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) has raised the bill received for reimbursement of expenses incurred between March 28, 2009 and September 30, 2010.
The Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) force has slapped a bill of Rs 10.87 Crore on Maharashtra Government for guarding Kasab at the Arthur Road jail.
Medha Gadgil, Maharashtra's Principal Home Secretary, told PTI that the state government will be writing to the ITBP explaining their position that it was not just state government's burden.
We will explain that 26/11 terror attacks is not only an issue limited to Maharashtra but a national issue
Now how many years we have to protect him and how many Crore Rs. Indian Government will spend on Kasab we can imagine.
Each Year 10 Crore Rs to protect Kasab.
Reality views by sm –
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Keyword Tag – Kasab ITBP 11 Crore Protection
very frustrating!!
If there is inaction from government then it implies that government is willing to sacrifice quality of security and it should be held responsible for spreading terrorism.
If inaction is due to lack of responsibility of government, then I think a committee will be formed to look into how 10.87 crores of rupees reached at. And whether this committees report will be accepted by parliament or not is another question.
Committees should work on "till your present energy lasts" principle. They should not take any snacks or food during meeting as there could be corruption in snacks ordering.
yes well said no foods during meeting.
yes they should now form the committee as you said.
well all that waste of money I hope the govt is answerable to that someday
This is the reason why America kills Osama or Saddam Hussain immediately. They know the value of money and they do not waste it on useless guys.
No words ........what is happening in our country! I have one question, Kasab is protected by all this special luxuries, because he is living proof of pak sponsored terrorism, then why Ind - Pak peace talks are started again and again, are we fools?
yes its waste of money on useless guy.
This is crazy. I am sure half of that bill go to the politicians as commission!
Misplaced priorities once again and very frustrating.
Very frustrating to see the state of affairs in our country. I found you via the comment you left on my Laughter blogfest post.
Alka Gurha,,
Rachna Chhabria,,
The Finance Minister must pay this bill immediately from Income Tax account. Why? Terrorists attack big cities having a lot of Income Tax payers. And Income Tax payers want safety and is willing to part with the Income Tax that government collected.