04 May 2011

Gutka will be sold in Plastic sachets – Rules will be amended by Government of India

Gutka will be sold in Plastic sachets –
Rules will be amended by Government of India

February 18 – Supreme Court of India ordered that Gutka and pan masala will not be sold in plastic sachets from March 1.

After this Supreme Court order the environment ministry had banned packaging of
Gutka products in sachet.

But the news is that Government is willing and government is ready to bend before Rich Gutka King business people I read that Big Gangster, Terror D company is also involved this business in India. I am not sure about this .But Our Indian Gutka makers know him and he solves there fights.

On Tuesday Union environment and forests ministry proposed to ease its
Rules and allow packaging of gutka products in small sachet purely for export purposes.

Now environment ministry also has joined hands and proposed to amend the
Rules recently passed and allow gutka manufacturers to package their products in small sachet as long as they have export orders to meet.

The Karnataka government too had asked the environment ministry to ease the rules and
Allow manufacturing for export purposes.

I hope ministry will not allow this amendment.

What is the guarantee that on the name of exporting these small plastic packs will not be sold in India?

I feel that they will be sold in India also and abroad also.

Then will make fine of 1000 Rs. For violating export rule and selling small plastic sachets in India.
Such type of useless and toothless rule will be added to amendment and everyone will enjoy the life of corruption.

Good Rule and Punishment –
If export quality small plastic sachet found in India Automatically the license will be cancelled on the same day same minute.
After that company will prove that it’s not our pack which is sold in India until that period the company should be closed down without manufacturing a single pack.
A complete shutdown of Gutka Company and all branches and all offices.

A fine of 100 Crore Rupees or Jail term of 50 Years for all the directors of the company including sleeping partners of the company.

Say No to Gutka Plastic Packs.
Increases Taxes on Gutka.

February 18 – Supreme Court of India ordered that Gutka and pan masala will not be sold in plastic sachets from March 1.
To read full story here is the link –
Supreme Court Gives 2 days to Government to regulate the use of plastic for packaging gutka and tobacco products

Reality Views by sm-
Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Keyword Tag – Gutka Sachet Sold in small packs Karnataka


Kirtivasan,  May 04, 2011  

My humble suggestion to Environment ministry is that plastic sachets are flammable. So the same rule on environmental pollution should be applied as fuels. Not the bio-degradable law.

SM May 04, 2011  


Destination Infinity May 04, 2011  

The step to ban plastic wrappers itself is a positive move, and hopefully reduce some of those plastic wrappers. But what about so many other products that are coming in plastic wrappers?

Destination Infinity

sm,  May 05, 2011  

Destination Infinity,,

gaurav July 12, 2011  

if goverment want ban on plastic so why only in gutkha or tobbacco .........?????????????????????

gaurav July 12, 2011  

there is some thing GADBAD GHOTALA i know that................

gaurav July 12, 2011  

if ban on plastic so total ban on all type of product like all confesere item and all eatable things.................

sm,  July 12, 2011  
