German Government decides to close 17 Nuclear Reactors by 2011 and close all nuclear power plants by 2022
German Government decides to close 17 Nuclear Reactors by 2011 and
close all nuclear power plants by 2022
Learning from the Japan Nuclear disaster Germany has decided to shut down all its nuclear reactors by 2022.
Germany on Monday announced plans to become the first major industrialized power to shut down all its nuclear plants.
On Monday Germany's coalition government agreed to shut permanently its 17 nuclear reactors.
Last March Germany closed its 7 nuclear reactors after the Japan nuclear disaster.
Environment Minister Norbert Roettgen said that six reactors will be shut down by 2021, while remaining will be kept open for one year till 2022 to ensure that there would not be any disruption to power supply.
Germany has 17 nuclear reactors on its territory, eight of which are currently off the electricity grid.
Environment Minister Norbert Roettgen said that majority of Germany’s 17 reactors would be offline by the end of 2011.
Mr. Rottgen said: "It's definite. The latest end for the last three nuclear power plants is 2022. There will be no clause for revision.
Currently Germany gets its 23% energy from Nuclear Power plants after 2022 Germany will get 0% power from the Nuclear power plants.
They will keep one or two reactors in a working condition which will help Germany to start production of energy in case of emergency need of power.
Suggested Reading
Comparison of countries ,Capacity of Nuclear Reactors, Nuclear fuel and liability.
Reality views by sm –
Monday, May 30, 2011
Keyword Tag – Germany NO Nuclear Power Ban Nuclear Energy
That's what I call a wise decision, that too for a country getting 23% of its current energy from Nuclear power. I am sure we are getting only a fraction of our energy from nuclear power, and we want to build more reactors now!
Destination Infinity
Destination Infinity,,
Destination Infinity has a lot of role to play in future. In energy area.
Personal Home Inspector,,
They'll back door the plants in one way or another just like the UK did. even if they went 100% renewable, there is no way of storing the electricity for when it is needed later or at night. Lets all keep crossing our fingers for fusion power!