25 April 2011

Suresh Kalmadi Arrested in CWG Scam

Suresh Kalmadi Arrested in CWG Scam

Updated Monday, April 25, 2011 – 4.30 PM IST

Today CBI arrested Suresh Kalmadi in scam related to Baton Relay.

In September 2009 Common wealth Games started in London with The Queen's Baton Relay

A London-based firm named AM Films was hired by Mr. Suresh Kalmadi to provide taxis, portable toilets and massive public TV screens for the ceremony.

He sanctioned transfers of huge amounts of cash to AM Film and its owner, Ashish Patel, even though there was no signed contract.

It’s reported that 2 Member CBI team went to London and they met with the Ashish Patel and is encouraging him to turn approver.
The financial track record of Mr Patel proved to be dubious.

It has also discovered that three other bids made by other UK firms for the Queen's Baton Relay function were forged to give contract to this firm.

In past OC members told that three other bids for Queen's Baton Relay were not competitive enough thus the Contract was given to the AM Films.

The bids attributed to three London-based companies - have turned out to be forged.
The three firms, all based in London - SD Displace, 3 Dots Vision and Movie Tech
But all the three companies said that OC never contacted them and they have never never bid for the baton relay contract.

According to media reports the CBI has got the video recordings of Organising committee (OC) meet in the capital where Kalamdi and his associate, VK Verma announced the awarding of time scoring equipment contract to Swiss timing.

The CBI has suspected Swiss timing's India representative, Gem International, of facilitating the kickbacks to Kalmadi.

Suresh Kalmadi has been arrested under Sections 120 B and 420 (criminal conspiracy and cheating) of the Indian Penal Code in the Commonwealth Games Time Scoring Equipment scam.

Still CBI has not confirmed this news waiting for confirmation but Media has said that CBI has arrested Suresh Kalmadi.
The Lawyer of Suresh Kalmadi Hitesh Jain said that he is not aware of the arrest.

Updated Monday, April 25, 2011 – 4.30 PM IST

CBI confirmed that Suresh Kalmadi is arrested by CBI.

The Congress suspended former CWG Organizing Committee chairman Suresh Kalmadi following his arrest by the Central Bureau of Investigation in the Commonwealth Games Time Scoring Equipment scam.
Two other senior officials of the Organizing Committee,Surjeet Lal and ASV Prasad have also been arrested in the Time Scoring scam.

Now it is expected that Kalmadi will be sacked, fired, removed from Indian Olympic Association as he is President.

Reality Views by sm –
Monday, April 25, 2011

Keywords Tag – Suresh Kalmadi finally arrested in CWG scam Kalmadi arrested


Bikram April 25, 2011  

Good if he is arrested, But i dont care of that What i want is all that MONEY to be taken Back, I dont think in india as in UK arrest and spending time in JAIL matters at all, but what hurts the most is TAKING what is back, and the only way to hit them back is confiscate all there property , and of the people around them ..

Put them on ROAD so start all over again .. Them there Kids, there relatives ALL confiscated..


SM April 25, 2011  

agree with you.

sm,  April 25, 2011  
