15 April 2011

RTI Application Reveals truth Indian Politicians, MPs, MLAs have no duties and responsibilities

RTI Application Reveals truth Indian Politicians, MPs, MLAs
have no duties and responsibilities

As a Citizen of India
Do you know what are the duties and responsibilities of Indian Elected MPs, MLAs or in simple language say Politician?

Indian Politicians have no duty and no responsibility and no accountability.

RTI applications were filed in the central government and state assemblies and after getting the replies it is now clear that there are no duties and responsibilities for elected representatives of the people.

February 2, 2009 -
Activist Dev Ashish Bhattacharya filed RTI application with the Election Commission seeking details of duties, responsibilities and accountability of MPs and MLAs.

Election Commission replied that it was "not concerned with information sought" and it had no such information.

Then appeal was filed.

The commission's appellate authority ruled that the query should have been transferred to the ministry of parliamentary affairs and ministry of law and justice.

June 3, 2009

Lok Sabha secretariat replied that there is no provision either in the Constitution or the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha defining duties and responsibilities of members of Parliament or through which the accountability can be fixed on non-performing MPs".

Bihar assembly –

Bihar assembly replied that "there is no provision/rule through which the duties, responsibilities and accountabilities of MLAs are fixed". And there was "no provision in the law through which accountability can be fixed" on non-performing MLAs

West Bengal assembly-

West Bengal assembly public information officer replied that they too didn't have any specific rules "through which the responsibility and accountability can be fixed".

Haryana Vidhan Sabha –

Haryana Vidhan Sabha secretariat replied that there were no specific acts defining the duties of MLAs

Assam assembly –

Assam assembly replied that it does not have specific rules.
Kerala assembly-
Kerala assembly replied that in this regard no specific statute has so far been enacted by the Kerala legislative assembly".

For six months The President's secretariat did not answer the query RTI application now The President's secretariat has referred the RTI application to the ministries of law and justice and parliamentary affairs

On February 18, the ministry of law and justice referred the matter to parliamentary affairs, which is yet to reply to the RTI.

Sikkim- It has a basic rule nominal duty
Sikkim provision says, "It will be their prime duty to maintain communal harmony and peace among the people of their respective constituencies."

Now Wake up India and Support Anna Hazare and show such a support that every demand of Anna will become the law.

If you do not agree with Anna then let me know the solution if you do not have solution then support Anna Hazare.

Reality Views by sm –
Friday, April 15, 2011

Keywords Tags - MP MLA No Duty No Responsibility MP MLA Reason for Salary


Apanatva April 15, 2011  

so sad......
God save India from these politicians .
Totally irresponsible........

sm,  April 15, 2011  


Rakesh Kumar April 15, 2011  

Wah! sm Wah! Your call is quite convincing:
If you do not agree with Anna then let me know the solution if you do not have solution then support Anna Hazare.

We support Anna Hazare.
Thanks,for commenting further on my blog.
I appreciate your view point and accordingly
replied there.Please,continue to have a'vad'(refer my post 'Aisi vani boliye').

Jon April 15, 2011  

Aww. shocking

Lowell April 15, 2011  

Hello SM! Thank you for stopping by our Paree blog and leaving a comment.

I find your blog most interesting although I know nothing of Indian politics. If Indian politics are like American politics, you've got lots of rotten people in government who are corrupt and care nothing except to become rich and take care of the rich!

Best wishes!

sm,  April 15, 2011  


sm,  April 15, 2011  

Jacob and Lois Anne,,
You can read USA label also as i try to write American Topics also.

Anonymous,  June 15, 2011  

has any one read a book on 'constitution making' written by a professor of Allahabad university? it gives details of how our constitution assembly passed the bill in the parliament and has a chapter on emergency to be declared by government. This book is an eye opener for all citizens of this country

sm,  June 15, 2011  


Unknown April 05, 2012  

I Agree, But MP's & MLA's are responsible for passing Bills and policy in Parliament and Assembly. Without them its not possible for making important decisions as per Indian Constitution.

SM April 05, 2012  

@Anand Mallige

its not compulsory and they can pass the law which they like
Eg. Shahbano Case.