12 March 2011

MPLADS Scheme – Release and Monitoring of Funds, Sanction, Execution of works Release and Monitoring of Funds – Part 2

MPLADS Scheme – Release and Monitoring of Funds,
Sanction, Execution of works – Part 2

Part 1- Know about MPLADS Scheme?
Indian MPs will get Rs. 5 Crore each year



In identifying and selecting works and giving administrative sanction for the same, the Head of the district should invariably get the concurrence of the Member of Parliament. Normally, the advice of the MP should prevail unless it be for technical reasons such as land selected for work not being suitable for execution etc.

Where the Head of the district considers that a work suggested by an MP cannot be executed, he should send a comprehensive report with reasons to the MP under intimation to the Department of the State Government dealing with the subject and to the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation.

As far as possible, all sanctions for works should be accorded within 45 days from the date of receipt of proposal from the concerned MP.

So far as technical and administrative sanctions are concerned, decision making should be only at the district level.

If need be for the purpose of implementation of this scheme, full and final powers should be delegated to the District technical and administrative functionaries.

In case, a constituency fall in more than one district, the Head of the district who receives the money released by the Government of India shall make the required funds available to the other concerned district(s) in keeping with MP’s choice so that the Head(s) of such other district(s) could implement the works suggested by the MP in his district(s).

Since the works under this scheme would be implemented by different State Government agencies such as PWD, Rural Development, Irrigation, Agriculture, Health, Education, Area Development Authorities, Water Supply and Sewerage Boards, Housing Corporation etc. the Heads of the respective districts would be responsible for the coordination and overall supervision of the works under this scheme at the district level. The implementing agencies may not collect any administrative charges, centage etc. for their services of preparatory work, implementation, supervision, etc.

The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India, would have the nodal responsibilities for this scheme at the Centre.

The Department concerned of the State Government will issue general instructions to all the planning and implementing agencies at the district level to co-operate, assist and implement the works referred to them under this scheme by the Heads of the districts. Copies of such instructions shall also be sent to the MPs at their constituencies and at their Delhi addresses.

Allocation per year under the scheme is for the constituency. Though there may be change in the MP representing a constituency, whatever may be the reason for such change, the allocation being for the constituency, continuity of action in implementing works under the scheme should be maintained.

The Head of the district should play a coordinating role in this regard between the past and the present MP and the implementing agencies concerned.

When there is a change in the MP, for whatever reason it may be, the following principles should be followed, as far as possible in executing works:

13. [a] If the work identified by the predecessor MP is under execution, it should be completed.
14. [b] If the work identified by the predecessor MP is pending sanction due to administrative reasons beyond a period of 45 days from the date on which advice was received for taking up the work, it should also be executed provided the work is otherwise as per norms.
15. [c]If the predecessor MP had identified the work, but it was not taken up for execution because of reasons other then those mentioned in the preceding sub-para, it can be executed subject to the confirmation of the successor MP.

In respect of elected Members of Rajya Sabha, the unspent balance left by the predecessor Members of Rajya Sabha in a particular State will be equally distributed among the successor Rajya Sabha Members in that particular State.

The unspent balance left by the predecessor Nominated Members of Rajya Sabha/Lok Sabha will be equally distributed amongst the successor Nominated Members of Rajya Sabha/Lok Sabha respectively.

MPLADS Scheme – Fund Release

Ideally it would be desirable that the MPs suggest individual works costing not more than Rs.25 lakhs per work. However, the limit of Rs.25 lakhs per work should not be too rigidly construed. Amounts higher than Rs.25 lakhs per work can be spent depending upon the nature of the work. (For example a single check dam to provide minor irrigation or water supply or a sports stadium may cost more than Rs.25 lakhs. In the case of such works higher amount can be legitimately spent).

Funds shall be released to the Districts each year immediately after the Vote on Account/Budget is passed.

The funds released by the Govt. of India under the scheme would be non-lapsable. Funds released in a particular year, if they remain unutilized can be carried forward to the subsequent year without detracting from the allocation of rupees two crores per year per constituency.

However, release of funds will be made with reference to the actual progress achieved in expenditure and execution of works. In other words, funds would be available in the budget to the extent of rupees two crores per year per MP and works will not suffer for want of provisions.

At the same time releases will be regulated according to progress.

The idea is that at any given time no excessive money should remain outside the Government treasury than is reasonably expected to be spent within a year.

For example, if out of Rs.2 crore allotted for a constituency in a year, Rs.150 lakhs are spent, the balance of Rs.50 lakhs can be carried over for the year when this amount together with fresh allocation of Rs.2 crore (total of Rs.2.5 crore) would be the entitlement of the year and could be spent.

But actual physical release of funds will be with reference to the amount expected to be spent. It should be seen, however, that unspent amounts do not excessively snowball into huge entitlements.

The release of funds by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, will be done two times a year on the basis of the physical and financial progress of the works under implementation and further requirement of funds for works.

At the time of release of funds, the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, in consultation with the Heads of the concerned Districts will make an assessment of the funds required to complete the on-going works. Such requirements of funds will be met first and then only the balance allocation will be considered for new works. Installment of Rs.1 crore in respect of an MP would be released once the balance amount, after taking into account the cost of all the works sanctioned (unsanctioned balance), comes to less than Rs.50 lakhs. The eligibility for the release of an installment in respect of an MP will be decided on the basis of information furnished by the concerned District Heads in the format placed at Appendix-3 and 4 respectively, copies of which will also be sent by the District Heads to the concerned MPs.

Funds for individual works should be promptly released. 75% of the cost of the works can be released in the first installment itself, the balance of 25% being released watching progress.

To the maximum extent possible, release of funds should be arranged through the administrative authority available nearest to the work spot, like for example a Block Development Officer. The objective should be that release of funds also is made through decentralized administrative mechanisms already available on the ground and that implementing agencies have the quickest feasible access to such decentralized authorities.

In case the concerned MP is not interested in utilizing the funds, he may write to the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, so that the release of funds is withdrawn.

Funds released under the scheme shall be deposited in nationalized banks.

Interest accrued on the funds deposited in nationalized banks may be used for the works approved under these guidelines.

MPLADS Scheme and Monitoring Arrangement –

For effective implementation of the works taken up under this scheme, each State Government/UT Administration shall designate one nodal Department for physical monitoring through field inspection and for coordination with the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India.

The Heads of Districts shall visit and inspect at least 10% of these works every year. Similarly, it should be the responsibility of the senior officers of implementing agencies of these works to regularly visit the work spots and ensure that the works are progressing satisfactorily as per the prescribed procedures and specifications. Likewise, officers of district at the sub-divisional and block level shall also closely monitor implementation of these works through visits to work sites.

The Head of the District should also involve the MPs in such inspections and monitoring to the maximum extent feasible.

They should also furnish monitoring reports once in two months to the MPs and the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation.

A schedule of inspections which prescribes the minimum number of field visits for each supervisory level functionary of the implementing agencies may be drawn up by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation.

The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, would always have with it a complete and updated picture of the works under implementation.

Monitoring formats and other issues of details relevant to this scheme would be decided by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, from time to time within the framework of the scheme.

The Districts Heads should also communicate information on the progress of works under the scheme on the Internet to the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation. Copies of such reports shall also be forwarded to the MPs. Software required for reporting on the Internet will be furnished by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation. This will also facilitate instantaneous monitoring of the progress of the scheme constituency-wise.

The Chief Secretary or in his absence a Senior Principal Secretary/Additional Chief Secretary should conduct a meeting involving the Heads of Districts and MPs to assess the progress of works under the scheme at least once in a year.

Periodic teleconferences may also be organised, availing of the infrastructure and expertise available with the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) and the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). In these conferences to be organised by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, instantaneous contact could be established with the Heads of districts and other local functionaries to clarify doubts and remove bottlenecks. MPs also should be associated with such conferences.

State Governments concerned may make arrangements for training of District officials concerned with the implementation of MPLAD Scheme. In the light of experience gained in the functioning and performance of District officials, corrective measures may be incorporated by the States in their training programmes to improve deficiencies observed in implementation of the Scheme.

Reality views by sm –
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Suggested Reading –
Part 1 Know about MPLADS Scheme?
Indian MPs will get Rs. 5 Crore each year


Keywords, Tags - MPLADS Scheme 5 crore, MPLADS Scheme Fund Release, MPLADS Scheme Monitoring