12 March 2011

MPLADS 5 Crore Scheme - Which Works are allowed and Which Works are not permitted Part 3

MPLADS 5 Crore Scheme - Which Works are allowed
and Which Works are not permitted Part 3

Part 1- Know about MPLADS Scheme?
Indian MPs will get Rs. 5 Crore each year


MPLADS Scheme – Release and Monitoring of Funds,
Sanction, Execution of works – Part 2


As per the provisions of the Right to Information Act, 2005 and the Rules
framed thereunder, all citizens have the right to information on any aspect of the
MPLAD Scheme and the works recommended/ sanctioned/ executed under it.
This may include any information on works recommended by the MPs, works
sanctioned/ not sanctioned, cost of works sanctioned, Implementing Agencies,
quality of work completed, User’s Agency etc. The District Authorities are
responsible to provide such information to the public in the manner as required
under the Right to Information Act 2005.

In the event of “Calamity of severe nature” in any part of the country, an MP can recommend works up to a maximum of Rs.50 lakh for the affected district.
Whether a calamity is of severe nature or not, will be decided by the Government of India.

The MPLADS is a Plan Scheme fully funded by Government of India.
The annual MPLADS fund entitlement per MP constituency, is Rs. 5 crore.

Year 2005 Guide Lines –
The annual entitlement of Rs 2 crore will be released in two equal instalments of Rs one crore each by Government of India directly to the District Authority (District Collector/ District Magistrate/ Deputy Commissioner or the Chief Executive of the Municipal Corporation, or the Chief Executive of the District Planning Committee as the case may be), under intimation to the State/UT Nodal Department and to the Member of Parliament concerned.


1. Construction of buildings for schools, hostels, libraries and other buildings of educational institutions belonging to Government or local bodies. Such buildings belonging to aided institutions and unaided but recognised institutions can also be constructed provided, however, that the institution be in existence for not less than two years.

2. If an elected Member of Parliament finds the need to promote education and culture of a State/UT wherefrom the MP is elected at a place outside that State/UT, the MP can select works relating to education and cultural development not prohibited under these Guidelines up to maximum of Rs10 lakh for that year.

3. Construction of tube-wells and water tanks for providing water to the people in villages, towns or cities, or execution of other works, which may help in this respect. Water tankers can also be purchased for providing drinking water.

4. Construction of roads including part roads, approach roads, link roads etc. in villages and towns and cities. Very selectively kutcha roads can also be constructed where the MP concerned and the District Head agree to meet the locally felt need.

5. Construction of culverts/bridges on the roads of above description and of open cut or tube wells.

6. Construction of common shelters for the old or handicapped.

7. Construction of buildings for local bodies for recognised District or State Sports Associations and for cultural and sports activities or for hospitals. Provision of multi-gym facilities in gymnastic centres, sports associations, physical education training institutions etc. is also permissible.

8. Special forestry, farm forestry, horticulture, pastures, parks and gardens in Government and community lands or other surrendered lands.

9. Desilting of ponds in villages, towns and cities.

10. Construction of public irrigation and public drainage facilities.

11. Construction of common gobar gas plants, non-conventional energy systems/devices for community use and related activities.

12. Construction of irrigation embankments, or lift irrigation or water table recharging facilities.

13. Construction of public libraries and reading rooms.

14. Construction of creches and anganwadis.

15. Construction of public health care buildings, including family welfare sub-centres together with the ANM residential quarters. Such buildings belonging to aided institutions also can be constructed.

16. Construction of crematoriums and structures on burial/cremation grounds.

17. Construction of public toilets and bathrooms.

18. Construction of drains and gutters.

19. Construction of footpaths, pathways and footbridges.

20. Provision of civic amenities like electricity, water, pathways, public toilets etc. in slum areas of cities, town and villages and in SC/ST habitations, provision of common work-sheds in slums and for artisans.

21. Construction of residential schools in tribal areas.

22. Construction of bus-sheds/stops for public transport passengers.

23. Construction of veterinary aid centres, artificial insemination centres and breeding centres.

24. Procurement of hospital equipment like X-Ray machines, ambulances for Government Hospitals and setting up of mobile dispensaries in rural areas by Government Panchayati Institutions. Ambulances can be provided to reputed service organisations like Red Cross, Ramakrishna Mission etc.

25. Electronic Projects:

i) Computer in education project of High school/College
ii) Information footpath
iii) Ham Club in high schools
iv) Citizen band radio
v) Bibliographic data-base projects.

26. Construction of Level Crossing at unmanned Railway crossing.

27. Purchase of Audio-Visual Aids of educational nature for Government, Government-aided and also unaided but Government recognised educational institutions provided there is proper place and proper provision for safe custody of these aids.

28. Purchase of Night Soil Disposal System for local bodies.

29. Purchase of motor boats for flood and cyclone affected areas.

30. "Works related to animal care/ welfare like construction of buildings / shelters, provision of ambulances, medical equipment and development of infrastructure facilities like provision of drinking water, drainage etc."

31. Purchase of motor boats for flood and cyclone affected areas.

32. "Works related to animal care/ welfare like construction of buildings / shelters, provision of ambulances, medical equipment and development of infrastructure facilities like provision of drinking water, drainage etc."


1. Office buildings, residential buildings, and other buildings relating to Central or State Governments, Departments, Agencies or Organisations.

2. Works belonging to commercial organisations, private institutions or co-operative institutions.

3. Repair and maintenance works of any type other than special repairs for restoration/up-gradation of any durable asset.

4. Grant and loans.

5. Memorials or memorial buildings.

6. Purchase of inventory or stock of any type.

7. Acquisition of land or any compensation for land acquired.

8. Assets for all individual benefit, except those which are part of approved schemes.

9. Places for religious worship.

Who is District Authority?
District Collector/District Magistrate/Deputy Commissioner
will generally be the District Authority to implement MPLADS in the district.
If the District Planning Committee is empowered by the State Government, the Chief Executive Officer of the District Planning Committee can function as the District Authority. In case of Municipal Corporations, the Commissioner/Chief Executive Officer may function as the District Authority. In this regard if there is any doubt, Government of India in consultation with the State/UT Government, will decide the District Authority for the purpose of MPLADS implementation.

Implementing Agency: The District Authority shall identify the agency through
which a particular work recommended by the MP should be executed. The executing agency so identified by the District Authority is the implementing agency. The Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) will preferably be the Implementing Agency in the rural areas and works implementation should be done through Chief Executive of the respective PRI. The Implementing Agencies in the urban areas should preferably be urban local bodies and works implementation should be done through Commissioners/Chief Executive Officers
of Municipal Corporations, Municipalities. Further, the District Authority may
choose either Government Department unit or Government agency or reputed
Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) as capable of implementing the works
satisfactorily as Implementing Agencies. For purposes of execution of works
through Government Departments, District Authority can engage units for
example, Public Health Engineering, Rural Housing, Housing Boards, Electricity
Boards, and Urban Development Authorities etc, as Implementing Agencies.

On receipt of the recommendation from the MP, the District Authority should
verify the eligibility and technical feasibility of each recommended work.
All such eligible works should be sanctioned within 45 days from the date of receipt
of recommendation.

MPLAD Scheme can be converged with the Central and State Government
schemes provided such works are eligible under MPLADS. Funds from local bodies can also be pooled for MPLADS works. Wherever such pooling is done,
funds from other scheme sources should be used first and the MPLADS funds
should be released later, so that MPLADS fund results in completion of the work.

The MPs concerned can recommend the use of MPLADS funds towards the
State Government share in a Centrally Sponsored Scheme being implemented in
their constituencies, provided the works under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme
are permissible under MPLADS.

Community infrastructure and public utility building works are also permissible
for registered Societies/Trusts under the Scheme, provided that the
Society/Trust is engaged in the social service/welfare activity and has been in
existence for the preceding three years.

As soon as a work under the Scheme is completed, it should be put to public
use. For greater public awareness, for all works executed under MPLADS a
plaque (stone/metal) carrying the inscription ‘Member of Parliament Local Area
Development Scheme Work’ indicating the cost involved, the commencement,
completion and inauguration date and the name of the MP sponsoring the project should be permanently erected.

MPLADS Funds Non-lapsable:
Funds released to the District Authority by the
Government of India are non-lapsable.
Funds left in the district can be carried forward for utilization in the subsequent years. Further, the funds not released by the Government of India in a year will be carried forward

The balances of MPLADS funds (funds not committed for the recommended
works) left by the predecessor MP in a Lok Sabha constituency would be passed
on to the successor MP from that constituency.

In respect of elected Members of Rajya Sabha, the balance of funds (funds not
committed for the recommended and sanctioned works) left in the Nodal
District by the predecessor Members in a particular State will be equally
distributed by the State Government among the successor elected Rajya Sabha
Members in that State.

Generally a vacancy caused prematurely due to resignation etc. of an
elected/nominated Rajya Sabha MP is filled up by election/nomination for the
remaining term of the MP vacating the seat. The total term of both the MPs in
such cases remains six years. Therefore, the new MP will be treated as a
successor of the MP vacating the seat prematurely and balance funds will not be
distributed among other MPs but just transferred to MPLADS Account of the successor MP.

The District Authority and the Implementing Agencies shall deposit the funds in
a nationalised bank. Separate account will be opened for each MP for the

The interest accrued on the funds released under the Scheme, to the District Authority is to be used for permissible works recommended by the MP concerned. The interest accrued on the funds released under the Scheme to the
Implementing agencies shall be calculated while arriving at the savings for each
work. The savings for each work shall be refunded to the District Authority within 30 days of the completion of the work.

The District Authority and Implementing Agencies shall not levy any administrative charges, centage, salary of any person, travel cost etc. for their services in respect of preparatory work, implementation and supervision of projects/works under MPLADS. The District Authority shall not charge any administrative expenses for the
MPLADS works.

The District Authority and Implementing Agencies shall maintain accounts of MPLADS funds, MP-wise.
Cash Book and other Books of Accounts shall be maintained as per the State/UT Government procedure. MPLADS funds received by the District Authority from the Government of India and the Implementing Agencies receiving the funds from the District Authority shall be kept only in Savings Bank Account of a nationalized Bank. Only one Account shall be maintained per MP. Deposit of MPLADS funds by the District Authority and Implementing Agencies in the State/UT Government Treasury accounts is prohibited.

Reality Views by sm –
Saturday, March 12, 2011


Destination Infinity March 14, 2011  

Didn't read fully, but if there is so many restrictions on these funds, then it would have been better to channelize them through the government offices itself, than give it directly to the MP! I think MP's should be given the money and asked to do anything related to development of their constituency with it - without a need for accounting them. These people are used to laundering money indirectly (through contractors etc), so when some direct responsibility is given to them, there is a chance that they might use if for development!

Destination Infinity

SM March 14, 2011  

Destination Infinity,,

BK Chowla, March 15, 2011  

Daylight robbery

sm,  March 15, 2011  
