01 March 2011

American World War I last veteran Frank Buckles Died at age 110 – What About Indian War Heroes?

American World War I last veteran Frank Buckles Died at age 110
– What About Indian War Heroes?

Reality Views by sm –
Tuesday, March 01, 2011

A total of 4,734,991 Americans served in the military during World War I.

On Nov. 11 the 90th anniversary of the signing of the armistice — Buckles was recognized by the secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs as “our last living link” to World War I.

Frank Buckles, the last surviving American World War I veteran, passed away at the age of 110.

Frank Buckles marked his 110th birthday on February 1.
He was born Feb. 1, 1901 on a farm near Bethany, Mo.

“I always knew I’d be one of the last because I was one of the youngest when I joined,” Buckles, then 107, told the New York Daily News. “But I never thought I’d be the last one.”

Susannah Buckles Flanagan age 55 said her father Mr. Buckles, a widower, died of natural causes on his West Virginia farm, where she had been caring for him.
At 12:15 a.m. Sunday, he summoned his live-in nurse to his bedroom. As the nurse looked on, Flanagan said, Mr. Buckles drew a breath, and his eyes fell shut.

Buckles was the living history book of World War I, he saw everything, and he experienced everything.

In April 1917 United States entered in WWI.
At the tender age of 16, Buckles left his school, to join American forces.
But he was rejected by Marine and Navy recruiters

Then he decided join Army, when the recruiter asked to see his birth certificate, Buckles said Missouri didn’t keep birth records when he was born and the only record was what was written in the family Bible.
Buckles lied to join army about his age and he became successful in that.
Buckles enlisted on Aug. 14, 1917, serial number 15577 and went through basic training at Ft. Riley, Kan.

At the age of 16, he witnessed the European theatre of World War I, serving in the United States Army as an ambulance driver.
In World War II, he became a Prisoner of War in the Philippines and was imprisoned for 39 months.

Buckles family has a tribute site to him at http://www.frankbuckles.org/

What about our Indian War Heroes who fought for India.
Do you know few names of Indian war heroes?
Everyone remembers Border, Karma, and Cricket Players
But what about real heroes.

Who is responsible for this?
Our History Books, Our school History Lessons?
Our Indian Society

Think for a second about our Indian War Heroes and their families.

All Gave Some, but Some Gave All
For You and Me and All

Reality Views by sm –
Tuesday, March 01, 2011


walk2write March 01, 2011  

Thanks for providing those interesting facts about Mr. Buckles. There was just a brief mention of his claim to fame on the news that we get (fed). We have a similar problem with information and ultimately education here in America that you seem familiar with in India. Popular culture--the Academy Awards is the latest example--takes precedence over almost everything else in the news here. It's pathetic, to say the least.

I really like your blog and will add it to my bloglist. Thanks for stopping by my site and leaving a comment.

Amrit March 01, 2011  


I heard it on news. You captured it pretty good as usual.

Alka Gurha March 01, 2011  

Great informative post which makes us all think....

sm,  March 01, 2011  


sm,  March 01, 2011  


sm,  March 01, 2011  

Alka Gurha,,