03 December 2010

Reasons - Advantages and Disadvantages of Moving Back to India – From USA or Europe

Reasons - Advantages and Disadvantages of Moving Back to India –
From USA or Europe -

Now a days many times we hear that more and more Indians are coming back to India
, Indian is becoming super power etc.

So what is the reason they come back to India, what are the advantages and disadvantages of moving back to India.

Following are the advantages of Moving back to India –

Can stay with Parents, and help parents in old age also.
In reality I have seen when kids come to India; they send parents to old homes. As they do not need someone to look after their luxury flats.

Kids will learn Indian culture.
In reality I will tell you parents with daughters mainly prefer to come back to India, as the girls become older , culture of Prom and dating , and short skirts , parents become afraid and move back to India. What we learn in childhood is very difficult to forget.

Can afford home servants.

Can afford a driver for car.

Can afford to break rules and earn more money.

Fear of IRS is no more, here in India no need to fear income tax department

Savings in tax. Indian tax laws are useless, American Tax laws and IRS department is so good that very few people dare no to pay taxes.

Celebrate festivals and make environment dirty without any fear of law.

Easy to make the kids Engineer or doctor and save money also.

Few People will say we miss India , we love mother land if possible please check there Passport you may find Real reason No extension of visa or deported

Following are the disadvantages of Moving back to India –

Have to learn the tricks of dishonesty. As in India everything works only if you got connections

Is difficult for daughters and girls to understand Indian culture and Indian school system

No swimming pools and No Libraries and No sports environment

Will learn more about Indian caste , that is racism system

Pollution and Poverty, one mistake and you will also become one of them.

Electricity problems

Rood hole and driving problems as here no one follows the rules, rules are for fools.

Relatives will not trouble , as now a days everyone is glued to mother in law and daughter in law television drama or some lecture of astrology baba , do this and do that and earn more .

Biggest loss of your kids will find it very difficult in future to get American or European or Australian citizenship , very slowly every nation has to stop immigration process and nation which will not stop there future generations will punish those leaders.

Lack of freedom of expression as well as romantic life or freedoms only be limited to bedroom only.

So what you think about these advantages and disadvantages.
If you are planning to move back to India this will help you.

Reality Views by sm
Friday, December 03, 2010


Natt,  December 03, 2010  

not really,,
only some points are solid though..

Bikram December 03, 2010  

I keep hearing this that more people are going back to india where is this stst being taken from yes they are going but majority after some time have given up and come back abrd. More new people are applying for visa to come abroad. Its not easy to find the real numbers but I am positive loads r doing there best to get out of india.

SG December 03, 2010  

In my experience (in USA) lot of people want to go back and settle in India but in reality they cannot. This is because of job, home, children education, etc. Mainly children education.

Rama Ananth December 03, 2010  

Some of the things said by you are correct but not everything.
It depends on what kind of life you can be used to, and what makes your life easier. So there are happy people abroad, though they too have some very serious disadvantages, but which they have trained themselves to face them, and there are happy people here too, learning to live with the corruption, dirt etc., for they don't want to take up new kinds of challenges which they would have to face abroad.
So I suppose, life is not a bed of roses anywhere, but it is up to each one of us to see that it it also not a bed of thorns.

Renu December 03, 2010  

I dont agree to most of the points here.

In India also all servic cleass people pay coomplete taxes and all.

Not everybody lives with parents and here relatives bother all the time.

its not easy here to make children engineer or doctor..competition is more.in my family most of the relative's children are doing very well abroad whereas they couldnt cope here.
so on.

Swatantra December 03, 2010  

I would say good analysis but not somewhat true to the today's date..

sm,  December 03, 2010  


sm,  December 03, 2010  


sm,  December 03, 2010  


sm,  December 03, 2010  

life is not a bed of roses anywhere.
yes well said

SM December 04, 2010  


SM December 04, 2010  

I don’t agree to most of the points here.

Point 1-
In India also all service class people pay complete taxes and all.

Answer – I did not say We Indians do not pay taxes.
You have to understand difference between American tax system and Indian tax system.
I will give you one example here.

A judge ordered actor Wesley Snipes to begin serving a prison sentence for tax-related charges.
Wesley snipes is a star in America.
He was convicted of three misdemeanor counts of failing to file tax returns and sentenced in 2008. In July of this year, a federal appeals court denied actor Snipes' claim that his three-year prison sentence for tax evasion was "unreasonable."
Three year prison term.

In India this happens rarely.

Point 2 -

Not everybody lives with parents and here relatives bother all the time.
Answer –
Yes I agree.
I think I wrote wrongly so you did not understand what I wanted to say in advantages.
Point No.1 –
Can stay with Parents, and help parents in old age also.
In reality I have seen when kids come to India; they send parents to old homes. As they do not need someone to look after their luxury flats.
When boys are in USA they purchase properties here in India and as a caretaker keep their parents in their home as a caretaker, but when they here come back like dust they throw away parent from that luxury house.
Not everyone is like this but this happens.

I wanted to say people go to foreign land, earn more money became rich and when come there they say that we came here for parents but reality is something different.

Point 3 –

It’s not easy here to make children engineer or doctor.competition is more.in my family most of the relative's children are doing very well abroad whereas they couldn’t cope here.
So on.

Answer -
Again I said that if girls and boys who are studying in USA and when they come here they did not understand our education system, our culture of education and study and they get less marks.
But good thing is rich parents can pay the donation and get the admission in engineering collage or medical collages.
When someone comes back to India normally after making lot of money they come back to India.

I hope now every point is clear.

Thanks for your comment. Hope to receive more in future also.

kiran sawhney December 04, 2010  

Nice points you have mentioned here. Reality bites.

sm,  December 04, 2010  

Kiran Bajaj Sawhney,,

sm,  December 05, 2010  


Anonymous,  December 30, 2010  

No privacy in your own home in India as neighbors watch shamelessly from their rooftops into your open home as there are no roofs on the general living area. The worst however, the lack of enforcement of laws in India.

sm,  December 30, 2010  


Mahesh Kumar March 29, 2011  

Mosquitoes are never mentioned in the blog. When I visited India last time, I could not get even a 10 mins of relaxed time. It is always mosquitoes troubling me to the core. Others also agree with me on this. And we live in a house with has netted windows. I think we loose ourself in fighting day-to-day problems, even if they are trival.

sm,  March 29, 2011  

Mahesh Kumar,,
yes Mosquitoes its big problem.

Anonymous,  October 09, 2012  

don't agree to all Ur points at this age

Anonymous,  May 18, 2014  

miss the gorgeous white blondes... in India anyone will miss that