06 May 2010

Terrorist Kasab Gets Death Punishment, Know When Kasab Will Get Death Punishment

Terrorist Kasab Gets Death Punishment, Know When Kasab Will Get Death Punishment –

Updated on Monday, February 21, 2011 –

First know what happened and then know what will happen in future regarding Kasab Death Punishment -

Following is the chronology of events in Mumbai terror attacks –

Nov 26: Kasab and nine fidayeens launch attacks on Mumbai
Nov 27: At 1.30am, Kasab caught and placed under arrest, admitted to Nair hospital
Nov 29: Kasab gives statement to police, confesses role
Nov 29: All places under siege secured, 9 terrorists killed
Nov 30: Kasab confesses before police
Dec 27/28: Identification parade held

Jan 13: ML Tahaliyani appointed 26/11 judge
Jan 16: Arthur Road Jail selected for Kasab's trial
Feb 5: Kasab's DNA samples match with articles found in Kuber
Feb 20/21: Kasab makes confession before Magistrate
Feb 22: Ujjwal Nikam appointed Special Public Prosecutor
Feb 25: Charge sheet against Kasab, two others filed in Court
Apr 1: Anjali Waghmare appointed Kasab's lawyer
Apr 15: Anjali Waghmare removed as Kasab's lawyer
Apr 16: Abbas Kazmi appointed as Kasab's lawyer
Apr 17: Kasab's confession opened in court, he retracts
Apr 20: Prosecution charges Kasab on 312 counts
Apr 29: Kasab is major: experts' opinion
May 6: Charges framed, Kasab charged on 86 counts, but denies charges.
May 8: First eyewitness deposes, identifies Kasab
June 23: Non-bailable warrants issued against 22 including Hafiz Saeed, Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi
June 25: Kasab suffering from ulcer, court told
July 20: Kasab pleads guilty before Judge ML Tahaliyani
Nov 30: Abbas Kazmi removed as Kasab's lawyer
Dec 1: KP Pawar officially takes place of Kazmi
Dec 16: Prosecution completes case in 26/11
Dec 18: Kasab denies all charges

Feb 11: 26/11 lawyer Shahid Azmi shot dead
Feb 22: David Coleman Headley issue crops up in court
March 9: Final arguments to begin
March 31: Arguments in the case end. Special judge ML Tahaliyani reserves judgment for May 3, 2010
May 3: Kasab convicted, Sabauddin Ahmed and Faheem Ansari acquitted of all charges
May 6: Kasab sentenced to death by the special court.

Reality Views by sm -

Now what will happen in the case of Kasab?
When Kasab will be hanged till death?

India is a democratic Nation, and in democracy also if government wishes speedy justice is possible in every case.

Do not forget Still Afzal Guru is alive and his mercy petition is pending with the President of India.
Mohammad Afzal, a convict in the Parliament attack case, had moved a mercy plea in 2006. But the home ministry is yet to forward its recommendation to the President

Now Kasab also got the death punishment and his number is 51, fifty persons are waiting for capital punishment.

Hope there is no corruption involved regarding capital punishment
In India corruption is our religion so everything is possible in India.
We Indians are so clever in corruption you won’t realize if one day any Indian ends up selling the white house to the President of USA.

[1997 to 2002 ]
President K. R. Narayanan did not decide on any Mercy Plea leaving a backlog of 14 mercy petitiotns for President APJ Abdul Kalam.
During his tenure till 2007, Kalam decided only on two petitions-death for rapist Dhananjoy Chatterji and pardon for another.
On his part, he left a huge stockpile of 29 mercy petitions for present President Pratibha Patil. In her tenure till now, Patil has decided on just one plea-commuting the death sentence of one R. Govindswamy in 2009.
According to Article 72 of the Constitution, the President of India is not bound by any time limit in deciding on a mercy petition.

Now Kasab got the Death penalty now what will happen?
when kasab will get actual capital punishment , when government of India will hang him ?

Step - One

The trial book will be made and the case papers, this book will go to the High court then High Court special bench will check the documents and see that the verdict given by the lower, special court is correct, once the High Court is satisfied the Judgment will become valid.
For this the High court may take time of 4 to 6 months.
But today if High court wishes and uses the computers and technology this can be done in a week and they can award and certify that the Death sentence given by lower court is right.

Step - Two

After this if Kasab wants he will file the appeal in High court.
It will take up to 4 to 6 months.
Again as a special case if High court takes special interest and hears this case the appeal can be dismissed in one week.

Step - Three

After High court, Kasab will go to the Supreme Court of India.
Again situation is same if Supreme Court wants can finish this appeal in a week.
Or may take 4 to 5 months.

Step - Four

After this Kasab will file the mercy petition to the President of India, it may take one day or more than five to ten years.

Step - Five

Once President of India rejects his application of Mercy, Kasab will again file the application in the Supreme Court of India for Judicial Review and after that
Supreme Court if keeps the same punishment
Kasab will get the death punishment and he will be hanged till death.

This will take 12 months to 24 months, or more time just like Afzal Guru and others the story of Kasab will stay alive with him.

Updated on Monday, February 21, 2011 –

After 9 months Bombay High Court will give its verdict.

The division bench of Justices Ranjana Desai and R V More, apart from pronouncing the judgement on confirmation of death sentence to Kasab, will also deliver its verdict on Maharashtra government's plea against the acquittal of two Indians accused of aiding in commission of the crime.

Faheem Ansari and Sabauddin Ahmed had been acquitted by the trial court
Both were charged with drawing maps of targets and giving them to Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Toiba. The LeT handed over these maps to Kasab and nine other terrorists

Updated on Monday Feb 21 2011 12:43 PM -

Calling Kasab's case the "rarest of rare", the two-judge bench comprising justices Ranjana Desai and RV More dismissed an appeal filed by Kasab challenging the death sentence by Special Judge ML Tahaliyani in May 2010.

"This is rarest of rare matter so he should face capital punishment. Kasab and Abu Ismail together killed 56 people," the two-judge division bench comprising justices Ranjana Desai and RV More observed while dismissing an appeal filed by Kasab challenging the death sentence by Special Judge ML Tahaliyani in May 2010.

the High Court also dismissed Maharashtra Government's appeal against acquittal of Fahim Ansari and Sabauddin Ahmed

Hope this time Congress will not make the story of Kasab,
A Never Ending Story.


Apanatva May 06, 2010  

law is so helpless..............

jamos jhalla May 06, 2010  

Ihope that history of such sentences will not be repeated this time.

chitra May 06, 2010  

You gave all the details of the case sm, This contains all the required information for a lay person.

sm,  May 06, 2010  


sm,  May 06, 2010  

jamos jhalla,

sm,  May 06, 2010  


Samvedna May 08, 2010  

Why in our country justice is so delayed, its like being denied.

sm,  May 08, 2010  

thanks, two important reasons are old laws and less number of judges

Anonymous,  May 08, 2010  

Informative as usual sm.
I wonder if a man who was on a suicide mission would care if he lives or dies, but there is a risk of his release being demanded in return of some innocent citizen's lives.

Insignia May 08, 2010  

I would not believe unless he is hung. Lets see

SM May 09, 2010  

Hope before that he will be hanged

sm,  May 09, 2010  


sanjana,  May 09, 2010  

justice delayed is justice denied

Usha February 21, 2011  

sm, Thanks for this detail post describing two years progress in Kasab's case..Hope you don't have to add year 2011 and Kasab's death punishment is executed soon.

sm,  February 21, 2011  


Vanni Mehta February 22, 2011  

Thanks for the info SM......

sm,  February 22, 2011  

Vanni Mehta,,