20 December 2009

Gujarat Narendra Modi Creates History in India –

Gujarat Narendra Modi Creates History in India –
BJP – Chief Minister Narendra Modi has created history in India.
Gujarat Assembly passed a landmark bill which makes, for the first time in the country, voting mandatory in local body polls.

The Gujarat Local Authorities Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2009, which also seeks to raise the reservation of seats for
Women in local self governance bodies from 33 to 50 per cent, was passed by voice vote.
Under the bill, if a voter fails to vote for the reasons other than prescribed in the rules, he may be declared a
“Defaulter voter” and would face consequences for which rules will be framed and placed before the Assembly for its approval later.
It proposes to make voting compulsory in all seven municipal corporations, 159 municipalities, 26 district panchayats, 223 taluka panchayats and in 13,713 village panchayats of the state.
Every political party who will oppose this bill ,will show to the nation that ,for that party important is not India and progress of India.
So I will suggest remember this and in the next elections do not vote for the parties and persons who will oppose the compulsory voting bill.

Reality Views by sm –
After 26/11 also we saw people enjoyed television and holidays, they did not come to vote on the Election Day same happened with the other cities in India.Compulsory voting is the only one way where we uneducated Indians will learn to vote.
No vote is like murdering our democracy.
Suggested Reading – why voting should be compulsory in India?


RNSANE December 20, 2009  

I do think it is important to vote but I am not for making it compulsory. I think that can only backfire. The right to vote should be that: a right, not msndatory. What happens to freedom then?

SM December 20, 2009  

i will suggest you please you read this article.
below is the link-

Neha December 20, 2009  

SM, I read your post about why voting should be made compulsory, but I still second RNSANE...

sm,  December 20, 2009  

thanks. Just wanted to ask you then what we should do so there will be 100% voting ? or say atleast 75% voting.
Then what is the need for holiday on election day.
2nd is Purpose behind the invention of DEMOCRACY IS NOTHING BUT THE VOTE,A right for common man to select his king.

Anonymous,  December 20, 2009  

Well the bill is not forcing you to vote, but it is making you to compulsorily attend the voting booth, then its your choice you vote or vote for none of above or cast negative vote.
If this is wrong then programs like Compulsory education is also wrong.
Critics should come forward without their personal ego and support this until voting becomes a habbit among the population.

Neha December 20, 2009  

SM, i feel nutters who go on a vacation due to election holidays will produce medical certificates saying they are sick and need to go to hill station and stay...we must understand that it is our responsibility to vote, not to give bribes etc.

even if u make things compulsory, people will find the way out..

Balvinder Balli December 20, 2009  

Well, while voting should be made compulsary for us to choose our representatives we should also be given a right to recall them if they do not perform

BK Chowla, December 20, 2009  

Only if we had few more of Modi in the country.
He has created a problem for the congress.

sm,  December 20, 2009  

thanks for further explanation. yes one can go there and choose negative voting.

sm,  December 20, 2009  

Mr. Pramathesh™ Borkotoky,

sm,  December 20, 2009  

yes they will do this, bring false certificate, but there friends and there own children will start to ask the questions to parents and this will give them guilty feeling inside there heart.
and one day they will learn to vote and this will help us to understand ,discuss, politics and this will become a HABIT.

sm,  December 20, 2009  

Balvinder Singh,
this is the next step of reform, when people will come to vote [compulsory ]they will demand this right to recall, and this way we will achieve right to recall reform also.Below is the link to post about this problem.
We need option of none of the above candidate also.

sm,  December 20, 2009  

yes He has created the problem for Rahul Gandhi, if Narendra Modi starts to do this reforms in Gujarat He alone can bring the BJP in the next lower house elections.
It will be great if other states also follow and introduce such type of reforms.

Admin December 21, 2009  

Really good thing to happen in Indian history. Now, people will have to caste their votes anyhow. good for the democracy.

sm,  December 21, 2009  

yes its great step by Modi, never expected a Religious Party like BJP can do this.
great job done by Narendra Modi.