31 July 2009

Know about Admiral Gorskhov renamed as Vikramaditya

Know about Admiral Gorskhov renamed as Vikramaditya-

The Comptroller and Auditor General have heavily criticized the government and Navy over the Admiral Gorshkov.
According to the CAG report, induction of Russia’s damaged aircraft carrier, now rechristened INS Vikramaditya, would cost the Navy more than a new ship.
The cost of acquisition has almost doubled.
It adds that certain key components like the anti-missile system are also past their best and their refit would be taken up only between 2013 and 2017 – thereby making the ship vulnerable to missile attacks.
While the Russians pegged the cost at 2.9 billion dollars this February, India has been showing keenness in finalizing it for about 2.2 billion dollars.

Reality Views by sm:

I am not technical expert in these matters. The views here are the just result of research on this admiral gorskhov deal of India and Russia.

What is Admiral Gorskhov?
Admiral Gorshkov was a modified Kiev class aircraft carrier of the Russian Navy, originally named Baku. In 2004, she was sold to India for conversion into a STOBAR carrier to be named INS Vikramaditya.
The ship was laid down in the year 1978 and it was commissioned in 1987.
In 1994, following a boiler room explosion, the ship was docked for a year of repairs. Although she returned to service in 1995, she was finally withdrawn in 1996 and offered for sale.
From the year 1996 no one is using the ship, I don’t know what they are doing, and the ship is having repairs.
On January 20, 2004, Russia agreed to sell the Admiral Gorshkov to India which we will be renaming it as Vikramaditya.
Normally when the second had ship is sold to another nation it’s upgraded.
I don’t know how much this ship will be upgraded with modern technology.
"The anti-aircraft missile complex selected to be fitted in the ship failed during the trials and the refurbishment contract was concluded without the missile system... This implies that the ship would not have a CIWS (Close-In Weapon System) till her first refit in India in 2017," revealed the report.

The CIWS is a vital naval shipboard point weapon for detecting and destroying incoming anti-ship missiles and enemy aircraft at short range.
Under the Indo-Russian inter-governmental contract signed in 2004, Russia was to deliver the carrier by August 2008 for 1.5 billion dollars. But now, Moscow wants revision of the price to whopping 2.7 billion dollars, citing recabling work of 2,400 kms to be done on the carrier.

Features of Admiral Gorskhov-
• Displacement: 45,000 tons full load
• Length: 273.1 m overall
• Beam: 31.0 m
• Draught: 8.2 m
• Speed: 32 knots (59 km/h)
• Armament: 6 × twin SS-N-12 Sandbox SSM launchers (12 missiles), 24 × 8-cell SA-N-9 vertical SAM launchers (192 missiles), 2 × 100 mm guns, 8 × AK-630 30 mm CIWS, 10 × 533 mm torpedo tubes, 2 × RBU-6000 anti-submarine rocket launchers
• Aircraft carried: 12 Yak-38M fighter aircraft
• 20 Kamov Ka-25 or Kamov Ka-27 helicopters

But my questions are how many more years we will be just purchasing arms from other countries.
When we will become Independent and produce our own arms.
Are we not capable to make them?
What is the reason so called savers of our religion do not oppose this or talk about this?
I don’t read in our history that we Indians have purchased arms from other nations.
So this must be against our culture. How can the religious leaders allow this to happen?
Is it not possible that when these deals are made lot of commission, kickbacks may be given or taken?
Do you think really we will get possession of this ship in the year 2012?
If we do not get possession of this ship in year 2012 as an Indian what we can do?
Do you think congress should give in writing that in the year 2012 the ship will be in India otherwise we will not purchase any ship from Russia?
I do not doubt technology from Russia, I am sure they will give us best available but what about price?
Can we afford to purchase a secondhand ship in the double price?
Next how many years Indian Navy can use this ship for 20 years or 45 years.
Suppose we get this ship in the year 2012 or 13 next how many years this ship will be in use by Indian Navy.
What are the reasons India has not tried to purchase Kitty Hawk ship from America which was used all the time and never was resting in the docks. May be we are not in the best friends of usa list , as I came to read that usa will sell this ship to only there best friends like uk or Australia or Canada and we are not in there best friends list. May be I am wrong but just wanted to find information and comparison between Kitty Hawk and admiral Gorskhov.
But I think we are buying from Russia includes reasons that India do not want Russia and china to become friends. We are using Russian technology from last many years and if now we shift to American technology our defense engineers will have to study the technology from the beginning.
I just hope and say that
Give as much money as you want
Take as much bribe you want
But please do not
Compromise on The technology
As our future depends on that
The life of our navy persons
Depend on that
Future of mother India
Depends on that

Like this I have many questions I tried to found the answers on Internet but I did not find the answers.

If you find any mistake in this let me know I will correct it.
I am not expert in this.


BK Chowla, July 31, 2009  

SM,The election process in India has become very expensive and hence the alleged commissions on defence purchases.You have asked the correct questions but the Govt has crossed all the limits of BESHARMEE that all these do not matter to them.National security has taken a back seat as long as personal interests have been taken care of.
I am sorry,you may not get all the answers even though we all them.

Dhiman July 31, 2009  

Very valid questions SM ....spending so huge amounts for a second hand ship that will be delivered after such a delay... I was wondering why can't we build one... If India can become 6 nation in the world to build a nuclear submarine why not an aircraft carrier... will it cost more ? or we don't have the skills or expertise ... for it....

sm,  August 01, 2009  

Bk yes i agree with you.

sm,  August 01, 2009  

Dhiman good questions we can make this ships in india, but where is the will ?
if we will make all arms in india then it will become difficult to get bribes.

jamos jhalla August 01, 2009  

INDIA is being converted from sone ki chidiaa to DUMPING ZONE.

sm,  August 18, 2010  

jamos jhalla,,