23 June 2009

Brief Information on Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh

Brief Information on Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh meaning of this in English is that
National Volunteers Organization
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh is also known as RSS or Sangh.
It was founded in 1925 by K.B. Hedgewar a doctor from Nagpur, as a cultural organization.

After the formation of the RSS, Hedgewar kept the organization from getting involved in the fight against the British rule.
RSS has been banned in India 2 times.
Soon after Mahatma Gandhi's assassination, rumors spread that the many of the conspirators were members of the RSS and Hindu Mahasabha. In February of 1948, the RSS was declared an unlawful organization and the ban continued over a year.
During emergency Indira Gandhi again banned the RSS.
RSS has many branches like VHP or BJP others.
RSS is involved in relief work as well medical help also.
The head of the RSS is called as Sarsanghchalaks.
The organizational work of RSS is done by Shakha which means branch.
These shakhas are run every morning (prabhat shakha), evening (sayam shakha) or night (atisayam shakha)
The goals of the RSS are to revive the Hindu dharma.
Reality Views by sm:

I strongly believe that RSS should directly stand for elections and declare themselves as a political party with a vision for India not religious Hindu India.

Read more about RSS on there website.


Anonymous,  June 23, 2009  

how has RSS reacted to the recent election results?

Everymatter June 23, 2009  

i am a great fan of RSS not because of its hindutuva but due to helping nature of sanghis during the time of problems like flood, earthquakes etc. they are the one who reach the spot earliest and the first one to provide help

i think RSS should not go for election and must continue its social work

sm,  June 23, 2009  

apurva Rss and Bjp are still thinking what should be the future plans .

sm,  June 23, 2009  

Everymatter thanks for your comment i will try to write a article why Rss should join the politics .
I dont hate Rss neither i am fan of Rss or any political party.

Anonymous,  June 23, 2009  

Thanks for the article sm. Didn't know of Rss's origin.

jamos jhalla June 23, 2009  

mall road par alsubah R.S.S.ke kai kaaryakartaa hindu ko raam raam |sikh ko satsariyaakaal|aur muslim ko salaamvaalekum karte hai .phir bhee ye log saampraadaayik hai?
jhalli gallan
jhalli kalam se
angrezi.comR.S.S. ko aaj kal kuch vishesh dalon aur media ke ek gut dwaaraa ek sampradaayik sangh kahaa jaa rahaa hai .is sandharbh mai kehnaa hai ki sair karte samay

sm,  June 23, 2009  

jmos thanks.

dinesh,  June 24, 2009  

good article

Azad August 04, 2009  

A very nice article for the people who dont know about RSS. It is running around 1,50,000 sewa karyas to reform the nation. Swayamsewaks are taught not to believe in caste system and are only motivated towards the good of the nation.

Would just like to clarify, Hedgewar never stopped RSS from fighting the British. He just did not want RSS to become a political organisation. The basic philosophy of sangh is to mould the citizens of Bharat in such a way that they contribute in development of the nation.
Would look forward for your article "why should RSS contest elections".

sm,  August 05, 2009  

Azad thanks for comment. why should rss contest elections, i will write on this topic.