09 April 2009

India : why change only names of cities why not the laws ?

  • Reality Views by sm
    India : why change only names of cities why not the laws ?
    Are we still citizens of colony called India, controlled by indians for indians.

    Our politicians always tell us that this city name is given by british people ,so we change it
    then why our politicians dont change the laws made by the british empire for the slave colony called india.
    Mejority indian laws are made by british people in india and we are still following them.
    Please take the bare acts,law books and you will know it.
    I will give you few examples :
    Payment of Wages Act, 1936
    Aircraft Act, 1934 along with allied Rules
    Bankers's Books Evidence Act, 1891
    Cantonments Act, 1924
    Carriers Act,1865
    Cattle Trespass Act,1871
    Central Excise Act, 1944 as amended by The Finance Act 2005
    Charitable and Religious Trusts Act, 1920 along with Charitable Endowments Act, 1890 and Religious Endowments Act, 1863
    Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929
    Christian Marriage Act, 1872 with State Amendments
    Code of Civil Procedure,1908 along with CPC (Amendment) Bill, 2000
    Contract Act, 1872
    Court Fees Act,1870
    Divorce Act,1869
    Drugs & Cosmetics Act,1940
    Drugs & Cosmetics Act,1940 along with Rules, 1945
    Easements Act,1882
    Evidence Act,1872
    Explosives Act,1884 along with The Explosive Substances Act 1908 and The Explosives Rules,1983
    General Clauses Act, 1897
    Guardians and Wards Act,1890
    Identification of Prisoners Act,1920
    Indian Penal Code ,1860 with Classifications of Offences and State Amendment
    Indian Stamp Act, 1899 as amended by the Registration and other Related Laws (Amendment) Act 2001
    Land Acquisition Act, 1894
    Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act, 1937
    Post Office Act, 1898
    Powers of Attorney Act,1882
    Press & Registration of Books Act,1867 along with Rules & Order
    Public Gambling Act,1867
    Public Servants (Inquiries) Act, 1850
    Reserve Bank of India Act,1934 as amended by the Reserve Bank of India (Amendment)Act,1997
    Societies Registration Act, 1860
    Stamp Act,1899
    Succession Act, 1925
    Suits Valuation Act, 1887
    telegraph Act,1885 along with The Indian Wireless Telegraphy Act,1933
    Transfer of Property Act, 1882 as amended by the Registration and other Related Laws (Amendment Act, 2001
    Trusts Act,1882
    Employers' Liability Act, 1938
    Payment of Wages Act, 1936 along with (Procedure) Rules, 1937
    Weekly Holidays Act, 1942
    Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923 along with Rules, 1924 (Transfer of Money) Rules, 1935 and (Venue of Proceedings) Rules, 1996

    After independance our law makers have made very few amendments to these laws.
    Our law makers ,politicians change the names of cities ,Bombay is now Mumbai ,Madras is
    now Chennai ,then why dont they change the laws made by the british empire for india .
    They say by using old names we are insulted, if this is so why then we are still using there law books?
    with few amendments ?
    give you hint:
    If suddenly one day you become owner
    of profit making company or nation will you change the rules of the company when company rules make you god of the company.
    Hope next time when any political leader ask you to change the name of city ?
    hope someone will dare to ask if why not first change the law system and law books given by
    british empire


Dreaming Eyes April 09, 2009  

hmmm...good points.....

Indian Homemaker April 09, 2009  

These are the wonderful, eye opener posts that make me like love this blog so much.
Brilliant points and I agree.

But I hope they don't start changing too many laws either!! They bless child marriages in Rajasthan, even now, and they will never hesitate to change these laws if they earn a few votes :(

I have no faith in their intelligence. I hate all this name changing, we have seen Bombay was much better than Mumbai, no riots, no forcing their views on the common citizen by banning Valentines day.

Gurpreet Singh April 09, 2009  

Nice Article.
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Prasant Naidu. April 13, 2009  

Interesting. Then why did the netas's refused to change the name of Delhi to Dalulatabad. We don't say anything as we are least bothered about these things. The netas know it and they continue their fame journey.

Keep Rocking,

sm April 14, 2009  

Ty Prashant about your point i am trying to getinfo currently i can say Cm Dixit that time realised her mistake, otherwise She thought Bjp will make it a big issue.
If delhi city name is insulting how can be Delhi remain the capital of india, Delhi become capital because of Mughal and british people only.
so first we have to change capital of india but first of all change our law system and laws.