24 February 2009

Jai ho Slum a different view: should we be proud of our slums ?

Jai ho Slum a different view: should we be proud of our slums ?
Today here in india, everyone is happy that slum won the oscars,
its great achivement.
how can you forget that slum is real story of india, a sad story,
how can you enjoy it without feeling,thinking talking about removeal
of this slums.
may be you dont realise this.
what is slum movie ?
it shows india is not shining ,the mirror image of india, and you are happy ?
is it not you are smileing on your own country ,your own brothers and sisters poverty. 
what you think about those slums 
i am very proud of danny boyal and the write who wrote this book,script showing the reality of india.
what is reason you are not asking the politicians, how can they say its great movie.
does it mean we should be proud of our slums,poverty.

is not the time to think what is the reason last 60 years slums are increasing ?

jai ho slums 


Anonymous,  February 24, 2009  

hello dear. i like ur blog n i m interesting for link exchange wid u.if u like to do.wating for ur reply

Anonymous,  March 19, 2009  

SM, what I feel is that the movie should not be seen as against India or showing poverty as its main stay. Except for some scenes where it is depressing, the whole movie is about happiness. You seldom get to see these kind of movies.

The movie shows that how can you relate to your past experiences to future, teaches us that whatever you do, you would reap its benefits in future.

Anonymous,  March 19, 2009  

BTW, the writer or the original novel is Vikas Swarup

Anonymous,  March 19, 2009  

yes ty for mentioning his name he deserves the award for a eye opening book