07 February 2009

india : satyam : Raju is king

india : satyam : Raju is king 

Last year people of india said,singh is king,but 2009
we have to say and agree Raju is king.
Raju has been granted speical status in jail. Now he is a vip prisioner 
Granted special class prisoner status on Friday, the brothers will now get cots, pillows, mattresses, sheets, mosquito nets, a separate kitchen and toilet, jail sources said.
Like king now raju can daily eat and live life like a 7star hotel inside
a jail. Daily he can have meat,fish whatever he likes,Raju can smoke cigars,cigarettes anytime he wish.
Now king Raju can demand a television set and he will be provided by jail
authorites immidiately.

Raju is king.
But again it has been proven that indian law treats differently to rich people of india and poor people of india.
we suggest that why state goverment is spending tax payers money on king raju
give him bail and release him. This will save lot of state govt.money.
everybody knows now that Raju is king so he wont run away from law.
Nobody is as clean as king raju.

Be ready to see king  raju as next member of parliament or cabinet minister
what you think ?

do you think our law will ever punish king raju.

how many years you think our judiciary will need to give final  judgement on Satyam Fraud.

10 years or 25 years.  a good debate question .