07 November 2008

Short History of Indian Railways

Short History of Indian Railways

Indian Railway -established by East India Company and British Govermnet

On September 22nd, 1842, British civil engineer Charles Blacker Vignoles, submitted a Report on a Proposed Railway in India to the East India Company

By 1845, two companies, the East Indian Railway Company operating from Calcutta, and
the Great Indian Peninsula Railway (GIPR) operating from Bombay, were formed. The first train in India was operational on 1851-12-22, used for the hauling of construction material in Roorkee.

The first train in India was operational on 1851-12-22, used for the hauling of construction material in Roorkee. A few years later, on 1853-04-16, the first passenger train between Bori Bunder, Bombay and Thana covering a distance of 34 km (21 miles) was inaugurated, formally heralding the birth of railways in India

Robert Maitland Brereton, a British engineer was responsible for the expansion of the railway from 1857 onwards.By 1875, about £95 million were invested by British companies

Almost 85 per cent of the railways available today were laid before indian independence.

 Reality views by sm 


gszk November 10, 2008  

Very very nice blog :)

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