Johnson & Johnson to stop selling baby powder in US and Canada
Johnson & Johnson to stop selling baby powder in US and Canada
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Johnson & Johnson is to stop selling its talc-based Johnson's Baby Powder in the US and Canada.
The company said Tuesday that it would discontinue sales of its talc-based Johnson's Baby Powder in the U.S. and Canada but still company will sell baby powder in other countries, other markets.
CNBC reported that Last year, J&J recalled around 33,000 bottles of baby powder in the U.S. after the Food and Drug Administration said they found trace amounts of asbestos, a known carcinogen, in a bottle purchased online.
As of late 2019, the company was facing thousands of lawsuits alleging the talc-based powder contains asbestos, a known carcinogen.
USAToday reported that Thousands of lawsuits have been filed in the U.S. by women who said that asbestos in talcum powders led to their being diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Johnson & Johnson was a particular focus of such claims, and several juries granted multimillion-dollar verdicts on behalf of plaintiffs. However, those decisions were later overturned or appealed.
CBS News reported that Illinois Representative Raja Krishnamoorthi, the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy, celebrated the announcement. "Today, in a major victory for public health, Johnson & Johnson's asbestos-containing baby powder finally will be taken off store shelves," Krishnamoorthi said in a statement. "My Subcommittee's 14-month investigation revealed that Johnson & Johnson knew for decades that its product contains asbestos, and the company fought to keep using a testing method that never would have allowed it to be detected. Today's victory means that children and families no longer will be endangered by this baby powder."
J&J faces about 19,400 cases alleging its talcum powder caused users to develop ovarian cancer, through use for feminine hygiene, or mesothelioma, a cancer that strikes the lungs and other organs.
Of the cases that have been tried, J&J has had 12 wins, 15 losses and seven mistrials. All of the losses have either been overturned on appeal or are still being appealed.
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