07 March 2018

Maharashtra Govt. Reduced Height of King Shivaji Statue from 160m to 126m

Maharashtra Govt. Reduced Height of King Shivaji Statue from 160m to 126m
Senior Congress leader Prithviraj Chavan tweeted that Mystery around Chhatrapati Shivaji memorial in Arabian Sea. GoM revised the proposal on 23 December, 2016 to reduce the "Height of the Statue" from 160m to 126m. And pedestal height increased from 32m to 84m. To make it appear taller. Cost cutting measure?

The original proposal of 160m Statue received Environmental Clearance on 23 Feb 2015. Does the new proposal have an Environmental Clearance?

February 23, 2015 – Environment Ministry gave the permission and as per conditions
Statue Height was 160 meter
Pedestal Height was 32 meter
Total Height of King Shivaji Statue was 192 meter.

December 23, 2016 Maharashtra government made changes in height of statue.
As per new changes
Height of Statue = 126 meter
Pedestal Height = 84 meter

Thus it shows that Maharashtra government reduced the height of Height of Statue of God King Shivaji.

If government has reduced the height of Statue we hope that the budget of statue also got reduced.

In reality we really do not need a Statue of King Shivaji, as he stays in our heart 24/7 365 days.

We need King Shivaji Medial Collages and Hospitals in every village not a statue.

Building statue means no one has understood the greatness of King Shivaji, the God of Maharashtra, and God of India.

Just think for a second How King Shivaji would have spent money by building statue or spending that money on army and farmers.

Reality views by sm –

Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Tags – Shivaji Statue Maharashtra