Rs.4000 Crore Scam in making Spectrum V Band Scam
Spectrum V Band Scam in making amounting to Rs. 4000 Crore that is 4 Lakh Crore
After 2G scam Now India may witness V Band scam amounting to Rs.4000 Crore
BJP Government - Prime Minister Narendra Modi
In a 2G scam India, Indian citizens suffered loss of Rs. 1.76 crore
In 2G scam Supreme Court of India clearly ordered and said that government shall allocate spectrum to private players only through an auction process.
Always remember that selling government property without auction means Corruption happened someone took bribe.
The term ‘V-band’ is used to categories radio waves in 57 to 64 GHz.
V Band is primarily used for providing access services at data transfer speed of up to 7 Gbps
International Companies like Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Indian companies are interested in V band spectrum. The Broadband India lobbying group has companies like Facebook, Google and Microsoft are demanding that V Band spectrum should be delicensed means that it should be allocated without auction on First come First Serve.
When in America lobbying happens, rich companies pay billions of American dollars to political parties, In India Lobbying is illegal so it may happen that these companies will pay money illegally hope they do not pay bribes to Indian policy makers.
Now as per media reports BJP government is planning to consider allotting 7000 MHz of V-band spectrum without conducting auctions.
If this happens First come First Serve What will happen?
1- India government may receive very less amount , may suffer 90% loss means if price is Rs. 100 , Indian governemnt will get only Rs. 10
2-It may happen that corrupt private telecom companies may unite and in advance they will fix the prices and decide who will get what and how much
3- No Auction means some one has taken bribe and now let us see BJP government PM Narendra Modi, what they do it
If V band 7000 spectrum is sold without auction how much loss Indian citizens will suffer?
October 2016 – BJP government sold 965 MHz of spectrum in various bands ranging from 800 MHz to 2500 MHz for Rs 65,789 crore.
Means Price of 1 MHz of spectrum was Rs 68 crore.
In the V-band, 7000 MHz of spectrum is available.
Hence, loss to the exchequer could be to the tune of Rs 4,77,225 crore.
Loss - Minimum Rs.4000 Crore
If this spectrum gets sold without auction India will again need the Ex CAG tiger auditor Vinod Rai but this is not possible under BJP government.
I do not think majority media will cover this or talk about this when CAG will say No Loss happened same as Rafale Deal Scam.
Reality views by sm –
Thursday, November 23, 2017
Tags – V Band Scam Rs. 4000 Crore 4 Lakh Crore
Informative post.
@Kirtivasan Ganesan