17 November 2017

Aadhaar Murders 2018 will it be year killing Hundreds of Indians

Aadhaar Murders 2018 will it be year killing Hundreds of Indians

Already we have seen in past how little girl died because of Aadhaar was not linked with ration card.

BJP government has plans to attach everything from A to Z with Aadhar number

Because of BJP government every Indian is receiving messages on mobile phone link Aadhar Card else mobile phone will get deactivated.

Today mobile phone has become a necessity for everyone just like water and food.

In todays world it is very difficult to live and survive without mobile phone

There is no need to link Aadhaar Number with Mobile phone only one reason is that it will enable government to monitor innocent Indian citizens 24/7 with a click of button.

Now question is How year 2018 will become a year in which innocent Indians died because of Aadhaar and mobile linkage.

As per mobile phone messages a threating message sent by mobile companies says that link Aadhaar card with mobile or phone will get deactivated from 31st December 2017 or maximum 6 February 2018.

Government of India does not understand that with age and because of natural reasons the finger prints of people keep changing and they may not match with the finger prints of old Indian citizens.

Just example –
A 75-year-old lady who goes to mobile company office to link her mobile phone with Aadhaar number but her finger prints does not match, she returns home, falls ill does not go to mobile phone office again and on 31st December 2017 her mobile phone gets deactivated and she suffers a minor attack and fails to inform or call her family members who are not present with her in home and dies on bed

Who will be responsible for this murder BJP government or Mobile company
National Aids Control Organization or NACO started urging states to collect the Aadhaar numbers of people living with HIV. They were asked to submit their Aadhaar numbers to their antiretroviral therapy centers to be linked to their patient identity cards issued by these centers so that they can more easily avail of social security entitlements

What is the need to collect Aadhaar Number what will happen if that Aadhaar Data gets stolen and gets published on internet

Is BJP government  ready to pay Rs. 25 Crore to such patients as a compensation so they can change their identity and live happily

Such patients may commit suicide who  get exposed or may face blackmail until their death.

Let us hope Supreme Court of India will stop government from making Aadhar Linkage compulsory with mobile phone number.

Who gave right to government of India to treat every Indian citizen as a criminal and collect his biometrics without any reason making it compulsory for him to give biometrics using government powers.

Reality views by sm –

Friday, November 17, 2017

Tags – Aadhaar Number Mobile Linkage BJP