BJP got Rs.461 Crore or 80% income from Unknown Sources in FY2016
BJP got Rs.461 Crore or 80% income from Unknown Sources in FY2016
Analysis of Income & Expenditure of BJP & INC for FY- 2015-2016
This report, prepared by Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR) focuses on Income and Expenditure of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Indian National Congress (INC), during the Financial Year 2015-16, as submitted by the parties to the Election Commission of India (ECI).
The due date for submission of annual audited accounts for the parties was 30th October 2016
AITC, CPM and BSP were the only three National Parties to submit the audit reports on time.
BJP submitted its audit report on 29th May, 2017 and INC on 11th July 2017, almost six months after the due date for submission.
Total Income and Expenditure of National Political Parties for - FY-2015-2016
Total income of the 7 National Parties for FY 2015-16 was Rs 1033.18 crore of which the parties spent Rs 754.45 crore and declared an unspent amount of Rs 278.73 crore (26.98% unspent of total income).
BJP’s total declared income was Rs 570.86 crore out of which 23.13% (Rs 132.06 crore) remained unspent by the party.
INC declared a total income of Rs 261.56 crore during FY- 2015-16, but 26.11% (Rs 68.30 crore) was declared unspent by the party.
Total Income of National Parties FY 2015-2016
The 7 National Parties have declared a total income of Rs. 1033.18 crore collected from all over India.
BJP has shown the highest income amongst the National Parties with a total income of Rs 570.86 crore during FY 2015-16.
INC declared the second highest income of Rs 261.56 crore which forms 25.32% of the total income of the National Parties.
Comparison of total income of BJP & INC between FY 2014-15 and 2015-16
The income of BJP during FY 2014-15 was highest among all the National Parties. The party had declared a total income of Rs 970.43 crore and its income decreased by 41.17% to Rs 570.86 crore during FY 2015-16.
Income of INC was second highest during FY 2014-15 with Rs 593.31 crore but the party also declared a decrease of 55.92% to Rs 261.56 crore during FY 2015-16.
Unknown sources of income of BJP & INC for FY- 2015-2016
Total income of BJP and INC during FY 2015-16: Rs 832.42 crore
Total income of BJP and INC from unknown sources (income specified in the IT Returns whose sources are unknown), for the FY 2015-16 is Rs 646.82cr, which is 77.70% of the total income of the 2 parties from all over India.
Details of unknown sources of income as declared by the parties in their IT Returns
Among the unknown sources of funding, maximum funds were collected under “Voluntary Contributions” by BJP during FY 2015-16. A total of Rs 459.56 crore was collected under “Voluntary Contributions” by which formed 80.5% of the total income from unknown sources of BJP.
The most preferred unknown source of funding for INC was “Sale of coupons” under the party collected a total of Rs 167.96 crore which formed 25.97% of the party’s total income from unknown sources during FY 2015-16.
Unknown Source of Income means Its Black Money or Corrupt Money
As a citizen of India can you say to Income tax department that I got Rs. 25 Crore but I will not tell you source of Income?
What will happen if you fail to explain the source of Income to Income tax department of India.
BJP says its fighting with corruption but actions say it all.
Full details of all donors should be made available for public scrutiny under the RTI. Some countries where this is done include Bhutan, Nepal, Germany, France, Italy, Brazil, Bulgaria, the US and Japan.
India needs a law which will make it mandatory for Political parties to publish the name of single Rupee donor on its website with address.
BJP government is doing nothing to make India an honest nation.
Reality views by sm –
Thursday, September 7, 2017
Tags – BJP Black Money India